Skilled Serpent
Skilled Serpent is a criminal crew from Warsaw. Planning the great heist since 5/12/2021 this crew is currently ranked #192 in the world.
Police Radio
Skilled Serpent is up to no good.
This crew has successfully hit 6 targets this week.
This crew has called the recon hotline 5 times this week.
Message to the Public
My ambition comes with passion
And cannot be stopped
My mind is dirty
But my standards are high
My heart is big, my ego is small
And if you don't like me
Idgaf at all

R. LĂ©onard
Crew Leader & Master Mind
Member since 5/12/2021
Queen of Air and Darkness
K. Wickett
Crew Leader & Hacker
Member since 9/4/2023