DüŞLeR ;;;;;

Record Contract History

This page gives you a complete record of all the Record Contracts this artist has signed over the years.

Popmundo RC 533258

Studio: Infinity Love [RK] (Istanbul)
Royalty: 80% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 1/6/2013 to 12/31/2015
State: Expired

Popmundo RC 508043

Studio: Moore Records (New York)
Company: Henson-Moore
Royalty: 67% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 4/12/2012 to 12/31/2014
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 507309

Studio: Moore Records (New York)
Company: Henson-Moore
Royalty: 65% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 4/7/2012 to 12/31/2014
State: Expired

Popmundo RC 502317

Studio: V.T.C. Studio of Recordin (Toronto)
Royalty: 50% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 2/24/2012 to 12/28/2012
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 428536

Studio: PP Records - Paris (Paris)
Company: Record studios and factories
Royalty: 65% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 11/20/2010 to 12/31/2012
State: Broken by Zümrüt Özdemir

Popmundo RC 428409

Studio: ÁngeL|BLueS RecordS (Istanbul)
Company: GSG
Royalty: 40% of all record sales.
Discount: 40% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 11/19/2010 to 11/19/2012
State: Broken by Zümrüt Özdemir