This is the guestbook of Draupnir.
Go Nie!! Muchisima suerte con el grupo, Draupnir nº1!!
Eso eso, tu les tiras lex y yo arrow vulcan, como en los viejos tiempos!! Habra que pillar flechas silver (?)
Yo tambien tengo muchas ganas de empezar la gira contigo :3!!
omg, no sabia que funcionaba el libro de visitas XD nunca lo mire! Mucha suerte tu tambien con el grupo, aunque parece que no la necesitas porque lo llevas mu biens D:
Algun dia tenemos que volver a juntarnos para otro concierto de Ishi y las manzanitas XD
It was a great pleasure to have your group playing at « Cornucopia Classic » in Singapore. I wish you the best of luck with your ongoing career, and i hope to see you again soon here!
Welcome back anytime :)
Gemma Fiorani
CEO of "Cornucopia Classic" SIN
just to inform you that there is a new club in berlin
Holi Niela, que talco? Vengo a fl- digo, a saludar. Que te vaya bien en tu popovida y eso.
PD: alguna vez tendremos que volver a jugar RO o alguna cosa online juntos de nuevo. ;_;
Rome and La Bohème are waiting your band for a nice show someday!
La Bohème is a new Classical Club in Rome with best service for you!
♫♪♪ ♫♫♫ ♪♫♪ ♫♪ Stay with Classical Music! ♪♪♫ ♪♪♫ ♪♫♪ ♪♪♫
Best wishes and good luck!
Your CEO
Elia Penzo
Hello. :) I‘m Bonifácio and I‘m organizer of Classical genre bands tour „Classical Sounds“. I would like to invite you to this tour. Information is here: 1281430.1 Thank you! :)
If you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, GameOver Music Entertainment can offer you good rates, guaranteed better than your actual ones. Plus, dedicated genre studios,experience and guidance. Pm me if interested, sorry otherwise for bother.