Electric Mayhem


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Two of us 556025/5/2009 40
Coincidence 5124711/5/2008 40
Remains of Erajmu$ 467114/30/2008 30
Singles Release Review
Crossing Idaho 581148/18/2009 30
Stop worrying and loving Hyde 567686/23/2009 30
Hool 559445/20/2009 30
Just Keep Swim-ming 552664/21/2009 30
Retreating 545863/24/2009 30
Elusion 534252/4/2009 30
Is she good enough? 5240312/23/2008 40
Couple 5175111/26/2008 40
Overhead 5107910/29/2008 30
Abracadoo 5040710/1/2008 30
Surfin' Up 497359/3/2008 30
Not Great Anymore 490638/6/2008 30
Brilliant 472155/21/2008 30
A Tribute to Sahin K 465434/23/2008 30
Equilibrium 450312/20/2008 30
Caipirinha 4367412/25/2007 30
Vinte e Dois de Outubro 4217410/24/2007 20