Retro Tull


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Implicit 1637679/6/2021 50
Sit up 1610775/17/2021 40
That's It 1583961/25/2021 50
Singles Release Review
Wand'ring Around 1669891/18/2022 40
A Lime for Everything 1633418/19/2021 40
Soon 1625427/17/2021 40
With Me There to Screw You 1618946/20/2021 40
Johnny B. 1612305/23/2021 40
Seasons of Waiting 1605984/27/2021 40
A New Love Yesterday 1599413/31/2021 40
Puree 1592543/2/2021 40
Nothing Is Peachy 1585962/3/2021 40
A Song for Karrin 15737812/14/2020 40
Move on the Moon 15671811/16/2020 40
Some Day Candice Won't Shine 15606710/20/2020 40
Cat's Squirtle 1543838/11/2020 40