

Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Z E N 19151811/5/2024 40
L I B R E 1886327/8/2024 40
The Pink ALbum 1859683/19/2024 40
Singles Release Review
Les racines 1945353/11/2025 40
S E N S U E L L E 1935331/28/2025 40
S E R E I N E 19268612/24/2024 40
F R I V O L E 19199611/25/2024 40
I N S O L E N T E 19135010/29/2024 40
D E T E N D U E 1906479/30/2024 40
I N N O C E N T E 1899989/3/2024 40
P R O V O C A N T E 1891577/30/2024 40
R E V E U S E 1884867/2/2024 40
Lacive 1878156/4/2024 40
Soirée de Fête 1871425/7/2024 40
Miss Music 1864754/9/2024 40
Another Morning 1858043/12/2024 40
Camelionne! 1851322/13/2024 40