
Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 20 years? 530 Opera
2 35 years like this 505 Opera
3 6,741 500 Opera
4 99 problems, all from anxiety 500 Opera
5 A beautiful love affair 500 Opera
6 A Kiss Before Dying 500 Opera
7 A Million Dreams 500 Opera
8 A New Approach 500 Opera
9 A Searing Burst of Light 500 Opera
10 A Song of Ice and Fire 500 Opera
11 A Special Person, So Damn Special.... 500 Opera
12 AAA cercasi scandalo da fine carriera 500 Opera
13 Abandon All Hope 500 Opera
14 Above the clouds 500 Opera
15 Adam and Eva 500 Opera
16 Adoration 500 Opera
17 Alice 180 Opera
18 All the Devils Are Here 500 Opera
19 All the Lies 500 Opera
20 Alone in the Woods 500 Opera
21 Altalenando 195 Opera
22 Altered Carbon 500 Opera
23 Ambient 500 Opera
24 Amor Vincit Omnia 500 Opera
25 And She Was 500 Opera
26 And then the hurricane hit 500 Opera
27 Anelli di cipolla fritti all'aeroporto 500 Opera
28 Angel of Death 500 Opera
29 Anomaly 500 Opera
30 Another Day 500 Opera
31 Apatia 500 Opera
32 Apocalypse 500 Opera
33 Apollo 500 Opera
34 Aqua 500 Opera
35 Are you mine? 500 Opera
36 arrancando 320 Opera
37 As Above, So Below 500 Opera
38 Ascension 500 Opera
39 Aspettando il soprannome e la torta 500 Opera
40 At the End of the World 500 Opera
41 Atlantica 500 Opera
42 Babygirl, I'm yours. 580 Opera
43 Back in the game, baby! 500 Opera
44 Back to the Beginning 500 Opera
45 Ban them all 535 Opera
46 Barbie Mood 500 Opera
47 Be Fearless 445 Opera
48 Be Good 500 Opera
49 Be Kind 500 Opera
50 Be the Change 500 Opera
51 Bedroom Hymns 500 Opera
52 Bella 145 Opera
53 Big God 500 Opera
54 Black Sails 500 Opera
55 Black Widow 500 Opera
56 Black Wind Howls 500 Opera
57 blind 310 Opera
58 BloodMoon 215 Opera
59 Blow 500 Opera
60 Blue Orchid 500 Opera
61 Blue Winter Rose 500 Opera
62 Blues 170 Opera
63 Boringggg 310 Opera
64 Bride of Fire 500 Opera
65 Brilliant Disguise 500 Opera
66 Burn 500 Opera
67 But does it happen? 170 Opera
68 but you won't 540 Opera
69 By Dawn's Early Light 500 Opera
70 Call Me By My Name 500 Opera
71 Call Me By Your Name 500 Opera
72 Calpestami, Galadriel 500 Opera
73 Casino 350 Opera
74 Castle In The Sky 500 Opera
75 C'è del Disagio in questa donna 240 Opera
76 Ce le teniamo perché sì. 500 Opera
77 Celestiale! 500 Opera
78 chandelier 310 Opera
79 Che fine ha fatto il Duca? 500 Opera
80 Che ho fatto di male?! 500 Opera
81 Che voglia di testate contro il muro 500 Opera
82 chi devo corrompere per una canzone? 500 Opera
83 Ciuccia-gnocchi 500 Opera
84 Clara 520 Opera
85 Classic n.7 500 Opera
86 Classic n.9 500 Opera
87 Cold as Hell 500 Opera
88 Coma 500 Opera
89 Considering selling my soul to Melvin 500 Opera
90 Continuo a non capire 500 Opera
91 Crash Landing On You 500 Opera
92 Crisis Theory 500 Opera
93 Crown of Midnight 500 Opera
94 Cucinare o non cucinare? 500 Opera
95 Cupid Problem 500 Opera
96 Damocles 500 Opera
97 Dark Age 500 Opera
98 Dark Matter 500 Opera
99 Dark Wings, Dark Words 500 Opera
100 Daughter and Heir 500 Opera
101 Dayle 1 500 Opera
102 Dayle 2 500 Opera
103 Dear Jane 500 Opera
104 Dearly Beloved 500 Opera
105 Death 500 Opera
106 Death and all her friends 500 Opera
107 Death and The Serpent 500 Opera
108 Death Phantom 500 Opera
109 Decoherence 500 Opera
110 Déjà-vu 500 Opera
111 Destati 500 Opera
112 Dicky's Song 500 Opera
113 did we? 525 Opera
114 Die In The Old One 500 Opera
115 Dieci 500 Opera
116 dig your grave 500 Opera
117 Disagio Made in Farrington 500 Opera
118 Dissonance Theory 500 Opera
119 Dive to the Heart 500 Opera
120 Do not change 525 Opera
121 Do Not Disturb 500 Opera
122 Dodo, domani è venerdì 500 Opera
123 Don't be in love 515 Opera
124 Don't Call Me 500 Opera
125 Don't give up 500 Opera
126 Don't Let Me Drown 500 Opera
127 Don't Look Back 500 Opera
128 Don't Speak Now 435 Opera
129 Don't talk to me! 500 Opera
130 Don't tell mama 500 Opera
131 Don't Think Twice 500 Opera
132 Doom of Valyria 500 Opera
133 Double Zeros 500 Opera
134 Down The Rabbit Hole 500 Opera
135 Dragon Prince 500 Opera
136 Dragons and Blood 500 Opera
137 Drive 500 Opera
138 Driving Force 500 Opera
139 Due 500 Opera
140 dumdıs 500 Opera
141 dust 500 Opera
142 Ed è subito sera 500 Opera
143 Eden 500 Opera
144 Elegy for the Arctic 500 Opera
145 Endgame 500 Opera
146 Endless Forms Most Beautiful 500 Opera
147 enooouuuggghhh 170 Opera
148 Enter The Phoenix 500 Opera
149 Event Horizon 500 Opera
150 Evermore 500 Opera
151 Everything, Everywhere 500 Opera
152 Fabiana. 525 Opera
153 Face My Fears 500 Opera
154 Fade Away 500 Opera
155 FaFo 340 Opera
156 Falcon 500 Opera
157 Fatto il danno. 500 Opera
158 Fearless and Therefore Powerful 500 Opera
159 fighting only in your name 435 Opera
160 Final Fantasy 500 Opera
161 Finally 500 Opera
162 Fire and Ice 500 Opera
163 Firefly 500 Opera
164 First Song 500 Opera
165 Flamekeeper 500 Opera
166 For Dayle 500 Opera
167 For Love 500 Opera
168 Forgot about this one too 500 Opera
169 Four Marks 500 Opera
170 Franceschì 500 Opera
171 Free Will 500 Opera
172 From the Ashes 500 Opera
173 FTSIMO 500 Opera
174 Gasoline 500 Opera
175 Get Even 500 Opera
176 Getting Started 500 Opera
177 Ghost Love 500 Opera
178 Ghost Princess 500 Opera
179 Give me another one of these 500 Opera
180 Glass Queen 500 Opera
181 Glorious Purpose 500 Opera
182 Go Away 500 Opera
183 God Mode 500 Opera
184 Goddess 500 Opera
185 Good Luck Babe 130 Opera
186 Goodbye 185 Opera
187 Great and Sudden Change 500 Opera
188 Green Light 500 Opera
189 Guilty as Sin 500 Opera
190 Hangover Perenne 500 Opera
191 Hayatımın aşkı 500 Opera
192 He Lives In You 500 Opera
193 Head Above Water 500 Opera
194 Healing a Broken Heart 500 Opera
195 Healing Times May Vary 500 Opera
196 Heartlines 500 Opera
197 Heda 500 Opera
198 Heir of Fire 500 Opera
199 Higher, Further, Faster 500 Opera
200 Hikari 500 Opera
201 Hit me 540 Opera
202 Holding You To Me 500 Opera
203 Hope This is Good 500 Opera
204 Hope's Death 500 Opera
205 Hoping For The Best 500 Opera
206 Horoscope... What The Fork?! 500 Opera
207 How it All Ends 500 Opera
208 How Soon 500 Opera
209 Howl's Moving Castle (ReyApo's version) 500 Opera
210 Hurricane 500 Opera
211 Hurricane Drunk 500 Opera
212 Hush 500 Opera
213 Hush Remix 500 Opera
214 Hypersonic Missiles 500 Opera
215 I Am No Daphne 500 Opera
216 I can tell you how it ends. 480 Opera
217 I care. A lot. 500 Opera
218 I couldn't have done this 500 Opera
219 I don't want to leave 500 Opera
220 I forgot about this one! 500 Opera
221 I hate this life 500 Opera
222 I have it in my heart 500 Opera
223 I have nothing 500 Opera
224 I Know It's Over 500 Opera
225 I like the Aesthetic 180 Opera
226 i swear this is the last one like this 500 Opera
227 I Want To Know 500 Opera
228 I wash my hands of us 570 Opera
229 I will leave 500 Opera
230 If I look back I'm lost 500 Opera
231 If Not For Hope 500 Opera
232 If You Believe In Me 500 Opera
233 If you're breathing 500 Opera
234 Il Dodo Come Fa 500 Opera
235 I'll never love again 500 Opera
236 Illicit Affairs 500 Opera
237 Illusion 310 Opera
238 I'm am so tired of this 500 Opera
239 I'm in Love 120 Opera
240 I'm Leaving 500 Opera
241 I'm not kenough 500 Opera
242 I'm not watching it 500 Opera
243 I'm Still Here 500 Opera
244 Impossible Planet 500 Opera
245 In Extremis 500 Opera
246 In Loving Memory 500 Opera
247 In Memory 500 Opera
248 In The Bleak Midwinter 500 Opera
249 Inno all'Altalena 500 Opera
250 Inno alle Natiche Doriane 500 Opera
251 Inside/Outside 185 Opera
252 Into the Woods 500 Opera
253 Inutilità 325 Opera
254 Is it now? 500 Opera
255 It Never Goes Out 500 Opera
256 It Only Gets Worse Before The End 500 Opera
257 It Was In Me 500 Opera
258 Journey Into Night 500 Opera
259 joyride 545 Opera
260 Jumping out the window 160 Opera
261 Justice 500 Opera
262 Justice For Villaneve 500 Opera
263 Karalama #5 500 Opera
264 Karma 500 Opera
265 Kilt is the new black 500 Opera
266 Kisses and Lies 500 Opera
267 Knights 500 Opera
268 La Ballata dello Scugnizzo 850 Opera
269 La Fiera del Manzo 500 Opera
270 La fiera del nulla 160 Opera
271 La Fiera del Pesce 500 Opera
272 La Fiera dell'Uccello 500 Opera
273 Lagertha 500 Opera
274 L'amore della mia vita 500 Opera
275 Last Ones 500 Opera
276 Last Rites 500 Opera
277 Last Spell 500 Opera
278 Last Time is Sacred 500 Opera
279 Laufeydottir 500 Opera
280 Laughs in The Sun 500 Opera
281 Leave Fast 500 Opera
282 Leaving This World 500 Opera
283 Leben und Tod 500 Opera
284 Legends 500 Opera
285 Leo Sun 500 Opera
286 Let it all go 500 Opera
287 Let it die 500 Opera
288 Let's go rattle the stars 500 Opera
289 Ley Lines 500 Opera
290 Light My Fire 500 Opera
291 Like a sociopath 500 Opera
292 Limone sotto il vischio 500 Opera
293 Little Bird 435 Opera
294 Live In The New World 500 Opera
295 Living a Lie 500 Opera
296 living or not 500 Opera
297 LOL at the end 155 Opera
298 Long Live 430 Opera
299 Long, Long Time 500 Opera
300 Look at us now 500 Opera
301 L'ottimismo è il tanfo della vita 500 Opera
302 Lotus Eaters 500 Opera
303 Love Alarm 500 Opera
304 Love is a dagger 500 Opera
305 Love is life 500 Opera
306 Love my Life 500 Opera
307 Low life 170 Opera
308 Lullaby 500 Opera
309 Lullaby for a God 500 Opera
310 Lullaby for a Nymph 500 Opera
311 Lullaby Supernova 500 Opera
312 Lumus 500 Opera
313 L'uomo delle Altalene 500 Opera
314 Lysandra 500 Opera
315 Ma il Dodo va in letargo? 500 Opera
316 Mad Love 380 Opera
317 Mad Woman 500 Opera
318 Made You Look 500 Opera
319 Maeve 500 Opera
320 Make Me Feel 500 Opera
321 Maniac 500 Opera
322 Mantra 500 Opera
323 May The Force Be With You 500 Opera
324 Me so stancata 165 Opera
325 Melting like Chocolate 500 Opera
326 Mess 500 Opera
327 Mhysa 500 Opera
328 Midnight Rain 430 Opera
329 Milk 500 Opera
330 Miraculous 500 Opera
331 Misantropia 500 Opera
332 Miss Not-giving-up 500 Opera
333 Miss No-Thank-You 500 Opera
334 Mistress of cucchiara 500 Opera
335 Moglie per caso 500 Opera
336 Moon Phases 500 Opera
337 Moondust 500 Opera
338 Moorland 500 Opera
339 Mora dentro? 500 Opera
340 Mother 500 Opera
341 Mountain of Madness 500 Opera
342 My Father's House 500 Opera
343 My heart whispers your name 500 Opera
344 My Tears Ricochet 500 Opera
345 Namesake 500 Opera
346 Nephele 500 Opera
347 Nepo Baby 335 Opera
348 new life 570 Opera
349 No Funerals 500 Opera
350 no life 565 Opera
351 No means no 570 Opera
352 No Mourners 500 Opera
353 Nobody's clean 500 Opera
354 Nobody's Home 500 Opera
355 Non ci accontentiamo. 500 Opera
356 Non ci voleva tanto 575 Opera
357 Non l'ho mica capita bene sta storia 500 Opera
358 Non so rispondere alle battute 500 Opera
359 not killing me 575 Opera
360 Not Me 500 Opera
361 Not okay. 535 Opera
362 Nothing Makes Sense Anymore 500 Opera
363 Now I am Older Than You 500 Opera
364 Now In Color 500 Opera
365 Now we've got problems 500 Opera
366 Oath 500 Opera
367 Ode ai Lavandini 500 Opera
368 Ode alla Lingerie Fosforescente 500 Opera
369 Ode to Daenerys 500 Opera
370 Ode to Dolores 500 Opera
371 Ode to Lexa 500 Opera
372 Ode to Villanelle 500 Opera
373 Odium 500 Opera
374 Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials 500 Opera
375 Of Lost Things 500 Opera
376 Olding 500 Opera
377 oluğğğ 500 Opera
378 One Last Shot 500 Opera
379 One Night/Wife 435 Opera
380 One year hex 535 Opera
381 Or Stay Forever 500 Opera
382 Original Sin 430 Opera
383 Otkazat'sya 500 Opera
384 Our Farewell 500 Opera
385 Our Way 500 Opera
386 Over a Cliff 500 Opera
387 Painting the Clouds With Sunshine 500 Opera
388 Pathological People Pleaser 500 Opera
389 Pensando a una canzone strappalacrime 500 Opera
390 Perché non me ne viene mai una giusta 500 Opera
391 Phoenix Blood 500 Opera
392 Poison 500 Opera
393 Prophecy Girl 500 Opera
394 Proteus 500 Opera
395 Put your heart in my freezing hands 565 Opera
396 Queen of Shadows 500 Opera
397 qweqe 500 Opera
398 Radiant 500 Opera
399 rain 535 Opera
400 Rare Beauty 500 Opera
401 Rare Species 500 Opera
402 Raven's Father 500 Opera
403 red lips 500 Opera
404 remember 575 Opera
405 Rest... 500 Opera
406 return 0 500 Opera
407 Rewrite the Stars 500 Opera
408 Ropes 500 Opera
409 Running up that nothing 540 Opera
410 SAKURA 500 Opera
411 Sanctuary 500 Opera
412 Saturday 500 Opera
413 Save a horse, ride a Valkyrie 500 Opera
414 Say You'll Remember Me 500 Opera
415 Scherzo Di Notte 500 Opera
416 Scongiuri 500 Opera
417 Shadow and Bone 500 Opera
418 Sharp Objects 500 Opera
419 shattering my own illusions 545 Opera
420 She Knows 500 Opera
421 Shine brigth like Dayle 500 Opera
422 Show Me 500 Opera
423 Sick 500 Opera
424 Silver Millennium 500 Opera
425 Sirius 500 Opera
426 Sixty-nine is a magic number 500 Opera
427 Skin Deep 500 Opera
428 Slaying in the Crypt 305 Opera
429 Sleeping At Last 500 Opera
430 Sleeping Gnocco 500 Opera
431 Sleeping until the end 500 Opera
432 Snow Storm 500 Opera
433 So I'm using this thing 500 Opera
434 Social Anxiety 500 Opera
435 sonnambulismo 500 Opera
436 Sotto Voce 500 Opera
437 Souvenir 500 Opera
438 Spacco la faccia a tutti 570 Opera
439 Star of The Sea 500 Opera
440 Still On Fire 500 Opera
441 Still thinking about you 500 Opera
442 Sto c. 540 Opera
443 stop dragging my heart around 500 Opera
444 Stop The Kens 175 Opera
445 Streets 500 Opera
446 Sun Summoner 500 Opera
447 Sursum corda 500 Opera
448 Suspicious Minds 500 Opera
449 Swan Song 500 Opera
450 Tabula Rasa 500 Opera
451 Tales from the Darkside 500 Opera
452 Tears in The Dark 500 Opera
453 Tell Me The Truth 500 Opera
454 Tell Tale Hearts 500 Opera
455 Terra 500 Opera
456 Terra Nullius 500 Opera
457 The Better Feeling of My Heart 500 Opera
458 The Big Never 500 Opera
459 The Blue Spirit 500 Opera
460 The Borders 500 Opera
461 The Crown 500 Opera
462 The Darkling 500 Opera
463 The Day the World Went Away 500 Opera
464 The Deep Heart's Core 500 Opera
465 The Devil Complex 500 Opera
466 The Dying Light 500 Opera
467 The End Of The World 500 Opera
468 The Exit 360 Opera
469 The False Bride 500 Opera
470 The Fire Is Mine 500 Opera
471 The Flame 500 Opera
472 The Harsh Light of Day 500 Opera
473 The Heart Is An Arrow 500 Opera
474 The Hymn 500 Opera
475 The Ice Maiden 500 Opera
476 The Kill 500 Opera
477 The King Over the Water 500 Opera
478 The Long Night 500 Opera
479 The Lost Fable 500 Opera
480 The Making at the Heart of the World 500 Opera
481 The Mother of Exiles 500 Opera
482 The Ocean 500 Opera
483 The One True Queen 500 Opera
484 The One. 500 Opera
485 The Ones We Leave Behind 500 Opera
486 The Only Man 590 Opera
487 The Perfect Game 500 Opera
488 The Reparation Of My Heart 500 Opera
489 The Rescue 500 Opera
490 The Returned 500 Opera
491 The Right One 500 Opera
492 The Rise of Fattanza 500 Opera
493 The Rogue Prince 500 Opera
494 The Spoils of War 500 Opera
495 The Sun also Rises 500 Opera
496 The Ties That Bind 500 Opera
497 The Variant 500 Opera
498 The Watcher in the Woods 500 Opera
499 The Weird One 500 Opera
500 The White Wolf 500 Opera
501 The Winter Line 500 Opera
502 The World Closing In 500 Opera
503 There Is a Light 500 Opera
504 This Is The Way 500 Opera
505 This Love came back to me 500 Opera
506 Ti brucio casa, ma con affetto 500 Opera
507 Ti butterei nel cesso 545 Opera
508 Tired 500 Opera
509 To Me 500 Opera
510 Tragedy 500 Opera
511 Trash Song 500 Opera
512 Treasured Memories 500 Opera
513 Tremors 500 Opera
514 Trials And Tribulations 500 Opera
515 Triangolarie ed eventuali 305 Opera
516 Two People 500 Opera
517 Un ovetto è per sempre 180 Opera
518 Una sovrannaturale manco a pagarla 500 Opera
519 Una sovrannaturale manco a pagarla pt2 500 Opera
520 Unease 500 Opera
521 Unmasked 500 Opera
522 Useless 500 Opera
523 Vanishing Point 500 Opera
524 Various Storms 500 Opera
525 Vecchia Dentro 500 Opera
526 Vendetta 500 Opera
527 Veni Vidi Vici 500 Opera
528 Viaticum 500 Opera
529 VII 500 Opera
530 Virtù e Fortuna 500 Opera
531 Vision of Love 500 Opera
532 Voglia di bruciare Kobe Sutra over 9000 500 Opera
533 Wake me up when the world ends 500 Opera
534 Wake Up 500 Opera
535 Wanheda 500 Opera
536 Warrior 500 Opera
537 We got work to do 500 Opera
538 We might as well be a Symphony 500 Opera
539 Welcome to Briarcliff 500 Opera
540 We're All Someone's Monster 500 Opera
541 What Kind Of Man 500 Opera
542 What the Hell?! 500 Opera
543 Who Cares? 500 Opera
544 why do you suck so much 500 Opera
545 Willow 500 Opera
546 Window of Opportunity 500 Opera
547 Winter Soldier 500 Opera
548 Winter Solstice 500 Opera
549 Witch 500 Opera
550 Witches 500 Opera
551 Without You 500 Opera
552 Wonderstruck 500 Opera
553 Worse Things Than Betrayal 500 Opera
554 Yes I do the cooking 500 Opera
555 You Amaze Me 500 Opera
556 You and Me Forever 500 Opera
557 you are what you did 540 Opera
558 You Can Leave your High-Elf Ears on 500 Opera
559 You Get What You Need 500 Opera
560 You Have To Come Back 500 Opera
561 you left me here 540 Opera
562 You. 500 Opera
563 You're a little too late 500 Opera
564 You're leaving me 500 Opera

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 19 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.