
Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 28 days later 500
2 5273 Reasons Why 500
Euro Pop
3 90 porcent of my jokes suck 500
Experimental Pop
4 All you need is help 500
Euro Pop
5 Antenora is unfair! 500
Euro Pop
6 Arzhig 500
Easy Listening
7 Bad Commie 500
8 Bear Hugs 500
Teen Pop
9 Broken Glass 500
Experimental Pop
10 Comu Fate 500
Euro Pop
11 Converted 500
12 Crogat 500
Experimental Pop
13 Delirium 500
Easy Listening
14 Demons 500
15 Exposé 500
16 Fidget Spinner 500
Experimental Pop
17 Fire & Water 500
Euro Pop
18 Forbidden Words 500
Euro Pop
19 Game Over 500
20 Giant puzzle of tears 500
Easy Listening
21 I like your hands 500
Teen Pop
22 In..go 500
Euro Pop
23 Lena 500
Teen Pop
24 Let me die with you (Ken's song) 500
Easy Listening
25 Loving Weirdo 500
26 Made of Stone 500
Easy Listening
27 Marlo the Angel 500
Euro Pop
28 Memoir 1 500
Euro Pop
29 Memoir 2 500
Experimental Pop
30 Memory Implant 500
Euro Pop
31 Miracles never knock my door 500
Teen Pop
32 Moody Bear 500
Experimental Pop
33 Muilpeer 500
Easy Listening
34 My neighbors' gardener 500
Euro Pop
35 No hay nadie especial en esta mierda 500
Experimental Pop
36 No motovation 500
Euro Pop
37 Not much of a man 500
Easy Listening
38 One side love 500
Easy Listening
39 Pablo Escobar whispers in the night 500
Teen Pop
40 Pay it with Spices 500
41 Perfect 500
42 Red Mood 500
Euro Pop
43 Riots 500
Experimental Pop
44 Risk 500
45 Sainctelette & Place des Armateurs 500
46 Shouts of Sin 500
Soft Rock
47 Showing This Aint Over Yet 500
Teen Pop
48 Sleepy Voice 500
Surf Pop
49 Slow Guns 500
Experimental Pop
50 Steak Tartar 500
51 Sunday's gas stations 500
Euro Pop
52 That thing you do when you lie 500
Teen Pop
53 The real Revolution 500
54 The suicidal's mind 500
Experimental Pop
55 Thousand pieces 500
Teen Pop
56 Tied Up 500
57 Tiny song tittles 500
Euro Pop
58 Tu veux aller au Galatasaray? 500
Euro Pop
59 Tuning your instrument 500
Euro Pop
60 Unresolved crime 500
Experimental Pop
61 Wanna Be A SuperStar 500
Teen Pop
62 Waste of free days 500
Euro Pop
63 Wrong Username 500
Experimental Pop

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 21 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.