Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 #cm b1 500 Electro Funk
2 #cm g1 500 Electro Funk
3 #cm g2 500 Electro Funk
4 #cm j1 500 Electro Funk
5 #cm j2 500 Electro Funk
6 #cm j3 500 Electro Funk
7 #cm j4 500 Electro Funk
8 #cm j5 500 Electro Funk
9 #cm j6 500 Electro Funk
10 #cm kay1 500 Electro Funk
11 #cm kay2 500 Electro Funk
12 #cm kay3 500 Electro Funk
13 #cm l1 500 Electro Funk
14 #cm l2 500 Electro Funk
15 #cm p1 500 Electro Funk
16 #cm p4 500 Electro Funk
17 #cm p5 500 Electro Funk
18 #CMYK AA1 500 Electro Funk
19 0.01 percent of germs 500 Electro Funk
20 1 apple 500 Electro Funk
21 2 coffees - still not enough 500 Electro Funk
22 2 hard hats 500 Electro Funk
23 2 leaves of curry 500 Electro Funk
24 2 Shelves 500 Electro Funk
25 24k btu unit 500 Electro Funk
26 37 pieces 500 Electro Funk
27 A lengthy period 500 Electro Funk
28 A Little Girl's Great Tale 500 Electro Funk
29 A scammer named Jackson Lynch 500 Electro Funk
30 A spin on Aspen 500 Electro Funk
31 About time 500 Electro Funk
32 Accelerates the time 500 Electro Funk
33 Activating the white square 500 Electro Funk
34 adventure starts 500 Electro Funk
35 AFFABLE 500 Electro Funk
36 After the date 500 Electro Funk
37 Ailurophile 500 Electro Funk
38 Aircon beats 500 Electro Funk
39 Alienware 500 Electro Funk
40 All the books 500 Electro Funk
41 Ancient times 500 Electro Funk
42 Another time 500 Electro Funk
43 Apple grape 500 Electro Funk
44 Aspen 500 Electro Funk
45 Aspen life 500 Electro Funk
46 Aspiring Accent 500 Electro Funk
47 At the precise moment 500 Electro Funk
48 Athena 500 Electro Funk
49 Autumn beats 500 Electro Funk
50 Awakening 500 Electro Funk
51 Back twitch 500 Electro Funk
52 Backbeat 500 Electro Funk
53 Because I said so 500 Electro Funk
54 Better or for worst 500 Electro Funk
55 BIOLUMINESCENT 500 Electro Funk
56 Blanket Beats 500 Electro Funk
57 Blasting hearts 500 Electro Funk
58 Blooming mushrooms 500 Electro Funk
59 Blue bin 500 Electro Funk
60 Blue circle 500 Electro Funk
61 Blue glue 500 Electro Funk
62 Blue juicy fruit 500 Electro Funk
63 Blue rim 500 Electro Funk
64 Blue train 500 Electro Funk
65 bottleneck 500 Electro Funk
66 Bright lights in my eye 500 Electro Funk
67 brinjal 500 Electro Funk
68 Bus criminal 500 Electro Funk
69 By the light of the stars 500 Electro Funk
70 Cake talk 500 Electro Funk
71 Call You Mine 500 Electro Funk
72 Captured Memories 500 Electro Funk
73 Cat is on the remote 500 Electro Funk
74 Cereal Chicken 500 Electro Funk
75 Change Soul 500 Electro Funk
76 Chasing eggs 500 Electro Funk
77 Chirp away 500 Electro Funk
78 Chuggle gluggle 500 Electro Funk
79 Click open 500 Electro Funk
80 CMYK 001 500 Electro Funk
81 CMYK 002 500 Electro Funk
82 Coffee Sips 500 Electro Funk
83 Collection points 500 Electro Funk
84 Colours against the wall 500 Electro Funk
85 Come out tonight 500 Electro Funk
86 Contemporary Applied Linguistics 500 Electro Funk
87 Cowboy's Do & Don'ts 410 Electro Funk
88 Cramped spaces 500 Electro Funk
89 CTRL+F4 500 Electro Funk
90 Da Glyph Code 500 Electro Funk
91 Dark skies 500 Electro Funk
92 decide to live 500 Electro Funk
93 Decision theory 500 Electro Funk
94 Didn't you want a bedtime story? 500 Electro Funk
95 Different ISBN 500 Electro Funk
96 Divide and conquer 500 Electro Funk
97 Do you like zebras? 500 Electro Funk
98 Dreaming endlessly 500 Electro Funk
99 Dry Air 500 Electro Funk
100 Earth Dweller 500 Electro Funk
101 Eclipse Mints 500 Electro Funk
102 Empty box 500 Electro Funk
103 Evaporating heat 500 Electro Funk
104 Evening coffee 500 Electro Funk
105 Exit Bad Welcome Good 500 Electro Funk
106 Extreme temperatures 500 Electro Funk
107 Falling fast...asleep 500 Electro Funk
108 Final Season 500 Electro Funk
109 Flagship 500 Electro Funk
110 Flibbertigibbet 500 Electro Funk
111 Fly away kite 500 Electro Funk
112 Folded square 500 Electro Funk
113 From afar 500 Electro Funk
114 Future dreaming 500 Electro Funk
115 Gallium Nitride 500 Electro Funk
116 Gate to the sea 500 Electro Funk
117 Genie 500 Electro Funk
118 Get a haircut 500 Electro Funk
119 Get your bags 500 Electro Funk
120 Gift in a box 500 Electro Funk
121 Gimme wind 500 Electro Funk
122 Gin and juice 500 Electro Funk
123 Giving back 500 Electro Funk
124 Goblet drummer boy 500 Electro Funk
125 Half and half 500 Electro Funk
126 Handling you 500 Electro Funk
127 Hands in the air 500 Electro Funk
128 Head of sawdust 500 Electro Funk
129 heat is an energy 500 Electro Funk
130 Heat justification 500 Electro Funk
131 Herbal drops 500 Electro Funk
132 Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares 500 Electro Funk
133 Hot peppers 500 Electro Funk
134 I need water with your muffins 500 Electro Funk
135 I wanna make you sweat 500 Electro Funk
136 Immortal Backseat Kiss 500 Electro Funk
137 In sync 500 Electro Funk
138 In time 500 Electro Funk
139 Infinite World 500 Electro Funk
140 Ink on leg 500 Electro Funk
141 Inside Nostalgia 500 Electro Funk
142 It came, it left 500 Electro Funk
143 Kevin the cube 500 Electro Funk
144 Kicking and screaming 500 Electro Funk
145 Leaves everywhere 500 Electro Funk
146 Less salty 500 Electro Funk
147 Let's go straight to dessert 500 Electro Funk
148 Light my fire 500 Electro Funk
149 Like oil and vinegar 500 Electro Funk
150 limerick 500 Electro Funk
151 Lion cat 500 Electro Funk
152 Little Aspen 500 Electro Funk
153 Lone ranger call 500 Electro Funk
154 Make up your mind 500 Electro Funk
155 Mango beeps 500 Electro Funk
156 Mango raincoat 500 Electro Funk
157 Massage neck 500 Electro Funk
158 Meow, Meow! 500 Electro Funk
159 Mid 80s 500 Electro Funk
160 Midnight light 500 Electro Funk
161 Milk fed calfs 500 Electro Funk
162 Milo 500 Electro Funk
163 mini bowl 500 Electro Funk
164 Miss the light 500 Electro Funk
165 mist from water 500 Electro Funk
166 Moist fish 500 Electro Funk
167 More blue foam 500 Electro Funk
168 Morning ritual 500 Electro Funk
169 Moscow Mule 500 Electro Funk
170 Moving wind 500 Electro Funk
171 My Goddess 500 Electro Funk
172 My world revolves around a season 500 Electro Funk
173 Negligible 500 Electro Funk
174 Neon shoes 500 Electro Funk
175 New song 500 Electro Funk
176 Next week will come 500 Electro Funk
177 Night sky 500 Electro Funk
178 No, No, No! 500 Electro Funk
179 Non amicable end 500 Electro Funk
180 Numb the pain 500 Electro Funk
181 numbers crunch 500 Electro Funk
182 Old Gods 500 Electro Funk
183 One Penny 500 Electro Funk
184 One stack above 500 Electro Funk
185 one way ticket 500 Electro Funk
186 One zeroes 500 Electro Funk
187 Pack in economy 500 Electro Funk
188 Paper doesn't crash 500 Electro Funk
189 Pat to sleep 500 Electro Funk
190 Peliscopic vision 500 Electro Funk
191 Pink Rings 500 Electro Funk
192 Pivoting 500 Electro Funk
193 Play it on the shield 500 Electro Funk
194 Poised for collection 500 Electro Funk
195 Pop you like a pea 500 Electro Funk
196 Prodigal 500 Electro Funk
197 Punishment required 500 Electro Funk
198 Pure dairy 500 Electro Funk
199 Put your loving hand in mine 500 Electro Funk
200 QR code 500 Electro Funk
201 Racing horse 500 Electro Funk
202 Rack of lamb 500 Electro Funk
203 Raspy voice 500 Electro Funk
204 Red cross 500 Electro Funk
205 Redemption 500 Electro Funk
206 redemption 500 Electro Funk
207 Reduced goodies 500 Electro Funk
208 Remaking Dune 500 Electro Funk
209 Rhinestone 410 Electro Funk
210 Right about you 500 Electro Funk
211 Right now 500 Electro Funk
212 Riotous Night Out 500 Electro Funk
213 Rumbles 500 Electro Funk
214 Running water 500 Electro Funk
215 Salt baked curry 500 Electro Funk
216 Same day 500 Electro Funk
217 Santa says 500 Electro Funk
218 Say and tell 500 Electro Funk
219 Say it don't spray it 500 Electro Funk
220 Seaweed chicken 500 Electro Funk
221 Seeing eyes 500 Electro Funk
222 Sentimental moody side 500 Electro Funk
223 Sexy Beasts 500 Electro Funk
224 Shaking The Ears 500 Electro Funk
225 Shallow conversations 500 Electro Funk
226 sharp point pencil 500 Electro Funk
227 She read you right from the start 500 Electro Funk
228 Signature Bank 500 Electro Funk
229 Silver lights 500 Electro Funk
230 Silverback 500 Electro Funk
231 Skilling tech 500 Electro Funk
232 Smooth work 500 Electro Funk
233 Solid rock 500 Electro Funk
234 Spicy beehoon 500 Electro Funk
235 Spitting out lyrics 500 Electro Funk
236 Splashing bath 500 Electro Funk
237 Staplets 100 500 Electro Funk
238 Staring at the mountain 500 Electro Funk
239 Staring at the sea 500 Electro Funk
240 Starting star 500 Electro Funk
241 Stay here 500 Electro Funk
242 Stop squeaking 500 Electro Funk
243 Stronger now 500 Electro Funk
244 Stuck on skin 500 Electro Funk
245 Sugar stocks 500 Electro Funk
246 Summer nights 500 Electro Funk
247 Sun in my eye 500 Electro Funk
248 Sunny days 500 Electro Funk
249 Super brain putty 500 Electro Funk
250 Super science kit 500 Electro Funk
251 Suspicious Objects 500 Electro Funk
252 Syndication 500 Electro Funk
253 Table clips 500 Electro Funk
254 Take pains 500 Electro Funk
255 Taking chances 500 Electro Funk
256 Taking the easy way out 500 Electro Funk
257 Taking you places 500 Electro Funk
258 Teleducation 500 Electro Funk
259 That's what you said 500 Electro Funk
260 The egg 500 Electro Funk
261 The Great Escape 370 Electro Funk
262 The librarian spy 500 Electro Funk
263 The mushiest food in the world 500 Electro Funk
264 The perfect line ~ hair 500 Electro Funk
265 The realm of imagination 500 Electro Funk
266 The wriggling octopus 500 Electro Funk
267 Thinking Bush 500 Electro Funk
268 this love's for real, uh? 410 Electro Funk
269 Thorns were in the bag 500 Electro Funk
270 Tingling Sensations 500 Electro Funk
271 Toast of London 500 Electro Funk
272 Took a shortcut 500 Electro Funk
273 Tribal call 500 Electro Funk
274 trolled a birdbath 500 Electro Funk
275 Try harder 500 Electro Funk
276 Twiddling thumbs 500 Electro Funk
277 twisty buds 500 Electro Funk
278 U know what they say abt cliffhangers... 500 Electro Funk
279 Underneath the tree 500 Electro Funk
280 unsanctimonious offer 500 Electro Funk
281 unscrew the door 500 Electro Funk
282 Waiting to love you 500 Electro Funk
283 Water droplets 500 Electro Funk
284 What the dog! 500 Electro Funk
285 Wheel pops 500 Electro Funk
286 White stems 500 Electro Funk
287 Wicked fire of lust melted him in lard 500 Electro Funk
288 Wishing cloud 500 Electro Funk
289 Wishing for you 500 Electro Funk
290 Yellowjackets 500 Electro Funk
291 You on top 500 Electro Funk

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 58 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.