
2 月 21 日开学首日 北京四环内道路全面 飘红

This is a Country Blues track recorded by the artist 人类命运共同体. The song 2 月 21 日开学首日 北京四环内道路全面 飘红 was originally composed by Y. Zhen.

Production: perfect
Performance: perfect
Studio: Kathleen Records
Date Recorded: 1/17/2025
Track Rating: 50
Record Releases: TikTok公司18日晚通知美国用户 暂时对用户停止服务

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 30

Track Credits

Featuring I. Peña 50
Artist Member L. Goodwillie 40
Artist Member Y. Zu 40
Producer L. Goodwillie 50