Combat Rock

Cerveza para todos

This is a Oi! track recorded by the artist Combat Rock. The song Cerveza para todos was originally composed by K. Benlliure.

Production: perfect
Performance: perfect
Studio: Shroomy Sun Records
Date Recorded: 2/15/2025
Track Rating: 50
Record Releases: Free Drinks
Radio Royalties: 54,024.70 M$

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 50

Track Credits

Artist Member L. Chugg 50
Artist Member A. Koç 50
Artist Member U. Lorenzo 40
Artist Member C. Peace 40
Artist Member T. Sylvain 50
Producer A. Koç 50
# Radio Royalties Amount Radio Chart Position
1 Romania 1,721.20 M$ 2323 (2)
2 South Africa 1,694.50 M$ 2828 (2)
3 Bosnia and Herzegovinia 1,640.70 M$ 2525 (4)
4 United Kingdom 1,633.20 M$ 2727 (3)
5 Mexico 1,633.00 M$ 2828 (3)
6 Ukraine 1,582.30 M$ 2828 (3)
7 Norway 1,552.80 M$ 2424 (3)
8 Netherlands 1,552.30 M$ 2626 (4)
9 Singapore 1,551.00 M$ 2828 (4)
10 Turkey 1,549.00 M$ 2525 (3)
11 Russia 1,507.70 M$ 2424 (5)
12 Canada 1,500.70 M$ 2626 (4)
13 Croatia 1,498.90 M$ 2727 (5)
14 Italy 1,461.40 M$ 2727 (6)
15 Estonia 1,460.60 M$ 2525 (5)
16 China 1,459.20 M$ 2727 (4)
17 Serbia 1,450.40 M$ 2727 (5)
18 Azerbaijan 1,448.30 M$ 2525 (4)
19 Brazil 1,439.70 M$ 2828 (4)
20 Germany 1,437.30 M$ 2828 (7)
21 Bulgaria 1,420.00 M$ 2525 (5)
22 Hungary 1,418.10 M$ 2727 (4)
23 Australia 1,412.10 M$ 2727 (6)
24 Sweden 1,407.70 M$ 2828 (5)
25 Lithuania 1,406.90 M$ 3232 (6)
26 Denmark 1,390.60 M$ 2727 (7)
27 Indonesia 1,390.20 M$ 2727 (7)
28 Finland 1,388.50 M$ 2626 (7)
29 Poland 1,386.90 M$ 2828 (7)
30 Portugal 1,371.40 M$ 2626 (6)
31 Philippines 1,370.40 M$ 2626 (6)
32 Japan 1,368.50 M$ 2929 (8)
33 United States 1,348.70 M$ 2929 (7)
34 Belgium 1,337.30 M$ 2424 (8)
35 France 1,309.90 M$ 2626 (10)
36 Argentina 1,289.20 M$ 2929 (10)
37 Spain 1,234.10 M$ 2525 (12)