♫ Crash Classic ♫

Tanz mir den Kaffee-Löffelsong

This is a Kraut Rock track recorded by the artist ♫ Crash Classic ♫. The song Tanz mir den Kaffee-Löffelsong was originally composed by J. de los Ríos Sánchez.

Production: perfect
Performance: incredible
Studio: Bloodline Records [LA]
Date Recorded: 12/22/2008
Track Rating: 40
Record Releases: Mein zweites Album
Tanz mir den Kaffee-Löffelsong

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 20

Track Credits

Featuring F. Azabache 20
Featuring M. Fernández Le Gal 40
Featuring A. Love 20
Featuring V. Schlichter 20
Featuring H. Ziesmann 20
Artist Member J. de los Ríos Sánchez 40
Producer M. Fernández Le Gal 40