
Recorded Songs

You need recorded songs, also called tracks, if you're going to release records. To record a song a member of the band has composed, and create a track, you need to book a session in a recording studio. For best results you should pick one of the appropriate genre and with good quality.

Work in Progress

Creativity doesn't have any recording sessions booked.

Tracks Recording Releases Rating
Transcendiendo 1513544/7/2020 1 19
Prosa 1513304/6/2020 1 21
Piensa y crea 1513074/5/2020 1 21
Cantando voy 1512834/4/2020 1 21
De vuelta al mundo 1467229/27/2019 3 20
Cree en ti y Crearas 1457158/16/2019 3 20
Tiempo al tempo 1456678/14/2019 3 20
Amar y enloquecer 1456438/13/2019 3 21
Tataplash 1427794/16/2019 3 20
Que arranque la GIRA 1427684/15/2019 3 21
Políticamente correcto 1427204/13/2019 3 21
Inpaz 1427074/13/2019 3 20