Locales in Moscow

Each city is divided in to different Zones. Find locales in those zones that are relevant to the career and game you're focusing on. You will only find locales of public interest here and not character homes or abandoned buildings.

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Locale Type Quality  
JASMİN MOSKOVA shopping Shop 17
Things That Bite | MOS Shop 16
Seni seviyorum ZEY!!! Shop 15
Jackson’s Xmas Shop | MOS Shop 13
El Corte Berlines | MOS Shop 13
Bound to Please (Moscow) Shop 6
Vio Pet Shop Moskova Shop 5
A Cursed Shop in MOS Shop 4
Happy Puppies ~Moscú~ Shop 1
Vahap Kolbaşı Moskova Shop 1
Little Shop of Horrors Shop 1
Vio Moskova 1 Shop 1
Business Class Moskow Shop 1
Tiendas La Pepa Moscu Shop 1