Most Popular Artists from Johannesburg

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 Come, Spirit #4 African Music
2 Kaybedenler Kulübü #7 Latin Music
3 The Blue Barrels #7 Blues
4 ZÖEY #19 Pop
5 Crackin Coconuts Riddim #19 Reggae
6 Minimalistic Tunes #24 Latin Music
7 Stoned everything is bearable #27 Reggae
8 Flaming Llamas #39 Punk Rock
9 Evansolar #42 World Music
10 Habeck Family #40 Country & Western
11 GanbaRu #93 Pop
12 Cookie Mould & the Smegmettes #47 Flamenco
13 Uncensored #208 Rock
14 Elwing #75 Latin Music
15 The Enchanted Heroes #125 Punk Rock
16 Nuvo-Lions #45 African Music
17 Blue Velvet #207 Pop
18 Shadowstorm Crusade #193 Heavy Metal
19 miyav #134 Classical
20 AfroGoddes #63 African Music
21 nosy #355 Pop
22 Wolven Rain #103 World Music
23 Ngola Nzinga #65 African Music
24 Rachel Deneyimi #442 Pop
25 Paul Deneyimi #252 Heavy Metal