Thunder Inc

This is a privately owned company. It's entirely controlled by the shareholders and the shareholder they've appointed company president.

Note from the Management

Com uma rede de clubes estrategicamente localizados, a Thunder Inc busca entreter e criar uma comunidade vibrante e apaixonada, celebrando o legado e a evolução do Rock. "Aqui o rock vive!" é mais do que um lema, é um estilo de vida!
With a network of strategically located clubs, Thunder Inc seeks to entertain and create a vibrant and passionate community, celebrating the legacy and evolution of Rock. "Here rock lives!" It's more than a motto, it's a lifestyle!

Company Information
Company Type Private
President C. Draxler
Registered in London
Cash 475,000.90 M$
Created 3/3/2014
Next Meeting 4/25/2025