Here's the latest news from the world of Popmundo.

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Festival update!

The qualifying round of the 26th Popmundo Festival is nearing its end. Click here to watch the event come to a close. The invitations to the final round in Madrid will be handed out on Monday after we've double checked the results and made sure all the finalists have stuck to the rules of the competition. Enjoy the weekend everyone!

¡Viva el festival!

The twenty-sixth Popmundo Festival will take place in Madrid at the end of the summer. To read more about the qualifiers and everything else you need to know about the festival check out THIS PAGE.


The end of the 20% discount is near!

We would like to remind you that tomorrow will be the last day we're selling the credit product packages at a 20% discount. The discount will expire Wednesday schedule4/3/2024, 9:00 AM to be precise.