Magatzem de pertinences
Have you lost something on the subway? Did your landlord kick you out of your apartment and throw all your stuff out? Chances are you'll find what you're looking for here.
Note from the Management
Estudia a Barcelona! / ¡Estudia en Barcelona! / Study in Barcelona!
Beques per a novells / Becas para novatos / Scholarships for newbies
Incentiu a professores / Incentivo a profesores / Incentive to professors 2313936.1
Tablón de anuncios de la universidad :
Campus Universitario 2328819.1
¿Acabas de llegar al mundo y necesitas ayuda? 2328348.1Acabes d'arribar al món i necessites ajuda? 2328348.1You are just arrived and need some help? 2328348.1