Cambridge University
The university is where people 16 years or older can get their education, improving their skills in life.
Note from the Management
Our Forum Directory with all useful links:2270351.1
Cambridge teaches non-music skills only,
need profs in those skills.
-3*in Basic Teaching
-3*in the skill you want to teach
To the professors:
Stay on campus!
You will be fired if:
-no teachable skills
-off campus continuously
Hiring policy Please contact the CEO after you take a spot.
also when you have 4.5*/5* in BasicT for salary raise.
When you finished teaching,please
remember to quit your job!Visit Cambridge on London's forum:
2209563.1Absences will be overlooked on the Big Bang, Valentines, St. Kobes, Day 27 (Frank's Monolith), DotD, and Xmas.
Are you new in Popmundo and maybe a bit confused?Have a look on our
London's Mentoring Programme. You can be assigned a mentor that will help you out and answer any questions you may have.
It happens here: