Belgrade Law

Belgrade Law

The law firm isn't properly implemented in the game yet. We'll see what the future holds for it...

Basic Info

Locale Type: Law Firm
City: Belgrade
City Zone: Карабурма (Slum)
Quality: 40
Condition: perfect
Cash: 331,395.30 M$
Service Cost: 350.00 M$

Note from the Management

Welcome to Belgrade Law by BROWNSTONE. If you find yourself in a tight spot and need to get out of a hard place, please come in and we'll get you out of your shady dealings.

Добро дошли у Београдски закон од BROWNSTONE. Ако се нађете у тешкој ситуацији и морате да се извучете из напетог места, уђите и ми ћемо вас извући из сумњивих послова.

Talwin Brown