0 R A L . L A B . factory

0 R A L . L A B . factory

The factory is where important products such as music records are produced. Different factories charge differently for their services so shop around before placing any huge orders.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Factory
City: Sarajevo
City Zone: Hadžići (Slum)
Management: 0 R A L . R E C O R D S . S A R A J E V 0
Quality: 0
Condition: poor
Cash: (209,298.70) M$
Machinery: CD Production Unit
Capacity: 3237 units produced per hour.


蓝桥春雪君归日 秦岭秋风我去时

Note from the Management

Hello everyone,

Need a record contract? If so, contact Sally.

We're here for you to consult us about your artist. Any time!

Don't forget, your ideas are important for us. We need you to give our best duty, and you need us to be #1.

Best Regards