Subite a mi nube

City: Porto

Subite a mi nube

The recording studio is where artists record tracks of their songs. You'll find everything you'll need to book a recording session here, or any other record studio, over on your artist page. Although it's possible to record a track in any recording studio, it's probably a good idea to contact the people you have signed a contract with first, since they might offer you discounts and other special treatment. If you don't have a record contract yet, please contact the management of a suitable recording studio to have them offer you one. You must have a record contract to actually release your recorded tracks to the public.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Record Studio
Genre: Electronica (sweet)
City: Porto
City Zone: Travessa dos Prazeres (Commercial)
Management: El Tesoro ~ Por
Quality: 50
Condition: perfect
Cash: 2,188,549.80 M$

Note from the Management

But what's different is that 1978 was the era of musicians, while now is the era of producers. Like the 18th and 19th century was about those who understood the great innovation of that time: the orchestra. Today's great innovation is the studio, the recording process and that every piece of music, apart from being a sonic pleasure, is an experiment in social organisation. There is a morality there, a producer tries to make the social unit work, and so the music you make is a statement of belief about how society could work." —Brian Eno