The white and sexy old lady

The white and sexy old lady

The white and sexy old lady is one of the Headliners of the music industry. Pursuing stardom since 10/1/2020 the artist is currently ranked as the #52 Flamenco act. The artist is considered to be from Rome. This artist accepts invitations.

Latest Shows

8/14/2024 Ankara incredible Details »
8/13/2024 Ankara incredible Details »
8/11/2024 Baku incredible Details »

Artist Buzz

Live performances include a incredible show at Dangerzone F ANK 2 in Ankara which is rated as their best recent show.

The most recent music video by The white and sexy old lady is Aïille, released on 6/16/2024.

The white and sexy old lady released the mind melting single Chrönos on 6/26/2024.

Message to the Fans

Yop yölo Go ! Tap Tïp yop gù !


The old lady
C. Norman
Band Leader
Acoustic Guitarist / Dancer
Member since 10/1/2020