Shiner in the Dark

Shiner in the Dark

Shiner in the Dark is a criminal crew from London. Planning the great heist since 5/9/2021 this crew is currently ranked #101 in the world.

Police Radio

Shiner in the Dark is up to no good.

This crew has successfully hit 2 targets this week.

This crew has called the recon hotline 1 time this week.

Message to the Public

Hey little creature,
Tell me what's on your mind,
Where've you been hiding?
And can I come this time?
So pleased to please ya
And rip that heart off your sleeve,
What we discover


G. Bliss
Crew Leader & Cat Burglar
Member since 5/9/2021

S. Bliss
Crew Leader & Master Mind
Member since 12/23/2023