Ars longa vita brevis

Ars longa vita brevis

Ars longa vita brevis is one of the Supporting Acts of the music industry. Pursuing stardom since 3/6/2022 the artist is currently ranked as the #290 R&B act. The artist is considered to be from Milan. This artist accepts invitations.

Latest Shows

3/13/2024 Nashville poor Details »
6/8/2023 London below average Details »
9/26/2022 Kyiv wonderful Details »

Artist Buzz

Ars longa vita brevis is looking for new members!

The most recent music video by Ars longa vita brevis is Bulut, released on 8/21/2022.

Ars longa vita brevis released the incredible single Summer Drop on 1/17/2023.

Message to the Fans

This artist hasn't written a message to the fans and public.


A. Carnes
Band Leader

Member since 4/19/2023