†$The last Warrior$†
This is the guestbook of †$The last Warrior$†.
che pongan en las prioridades ir con el veiculo de gira
cuando lo lean y lo pongan manden un MP. asi yo se que lo pusieron
ahhhhhh me olvidava mejores las relaciones de amistad asi mejoramos en los conciertos
Thanks for coming in Burn The Duck[SEA]!
Sorry about the riders, next time PM me!
See you soon!
Amanda WL
I am Florian and work for L&C Recordz HM {AMS}
We are a recordingstudio specialised in Rock music! That makes the selling and quality much better then other recordingstudios!
I would like to offer you a contract for your band!
Let me know if your interested and we make a good deal!!!
Kind regards,
CEO L&C Recordz HM {AMS}