This is the guestbook of axKoak.
Thankyou for playing at Euphoric Dreams Punk! Hope to see you back again soon ;)
Gracias por haber llamado a nuestro club.Si deseais recibir otra invitaciòn o tenais preferencia de fechas o de precios del billete mandarme un mensaje.
Inga De Palma
CEO of the ParadisoOscuro ~Punk~.
Thank you for playing at zAjo PunK © B.A.
Good luck!
Thanks for performing at KrOI!zberg Punk IST. Hope to see you again! (:
E.C. the Ceo
Thankyou for once again gracing the stage at Euphoric Dreams Punk! Hope to see you back again soon ;)
Hi there would u like to join a competition in Buenos Aires between 18-25/08.If so feel free to ask invites.
Ceo of poisonWork • Buenos Aires
Hola, por si os interesa
Punk Rock Competition in Barcelona
19/06/2009 12:00--->26/06/2009 12:00
Competition Mundial Barcelona
Por si os interesa, vamos a empezar una competición en Barcelona.
Second Local PUNK Competition ROTTEN
2009-06-01 12:00--->2009-06-07 22:00
Las reservas están abiertas y si os interesa otro día/hora, enviadme un PM.
Buena suerte,
Unai Gisbert