This is the guestbook of Bruja Piruja.
good luck on your first tour! :)
Sorry about the ticket price thing! I am super excited to see the show, good luck on the next show in Montreal, I`ll be at the one in New York.
I was hoping I could make you a banner and CD cover?
-Jason Bennett
Gracias por el conciertazo que diste en el Club Äkäslompolo! Fue nuestro primer llenazo!
Estamos a tu disposición siempre que quieras :)
It was again a great pleasure to host you in Club Ronda.
Gracias & Mejores deseos
Lauren - Ceo of Club Ronda, Dubrovnik
Wonderful band... You are my ideal, Miranda :D
I see your record studio owner is still very inactive and studios are falling down. If you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, GameOver Music Entertainment can offer you good rates. Pm me if interested, sorry otherwise for bother.