This is the guestbook of Pexex.
Thanks for playing at: "Studebaker [Milan]"
We hope to see you again, soon.
You're allways welcome, come back when ever you want.
Greetz and good luck:
Roy Studebaker
You're one of the bands that first played in my milan club.
I've expanded a little bit.
So you could also try out:
- Studebaker [Glasgow]
- Studebaker [Brussels]
- Studebaker [Milan]
- Studebaker [Berlin]
Feel free, to book the shows on your own.
If in invitation is needed for 12:00 to 18:00,
just call me with: club / date / time
and I'll send it.
As allways: there'll be no problem with riderlimit.
Greetz and good luck
Roy Studebaker
[localeid=1887623 name
Thanks for booking at: [localeid=1235061 name=Studebkaer [Glasgow]]
I'm sorry for your failed concert but next time it'll work.
Come back when ever you want and try out my other clubs in europe.
Greetz and good luck:
Roy Studebaker
Studebaker Europe