This is the guestbook of Breaking Point.
Hi there! This is the easiest way for me to write to both of you. I've offered to host comps for the African world tour so you might want to wait and see which ones they give me before accepting more invites I send. I'll let you know soon as they get back to me.
Thank you so much for playing at Gaia, I really appreciate you!
Update on the tour: I've been given the go-ahead to make some comps. One of them is NY where you are already booked. You have the choice of leaving the show as is or cancelling it and I'll send a comp invite. Please let me know, I'll save the spot until you decide.
Spectacular show in Tallinn, congratulations! :)
no âmbito das festas da Tour Tuga IV convido-vos para o Carnaval que vai ter lugar na Villa do nosso amigo Woodrow Sterling.
Será um baile de máscaras com prémios para a melhor máscara feminina e melhor máscara masculina, no valor de 150k cada um.
Será dia 12 deste Popano (04/12/2011).
Ponham o vosso avatar neste dia, e dirijam-se apareçam.
O Júri deste evento serei eu e o Celso Miranda
To both of you: Any reason for ignoring my calls, or I am your friend only accepting your invitations?
com a estadia de 2 dias por Londres, decidimos organizar uma mega churrascada, para participares é simples, basta apareceres por minha casa e pedires umas músicas no fórum 1993991.1.
Vamos mais uma vez conhecer-nos melhor e interagir entre todos.
Evertime CN (Clubs Network) wish you the best success in all directions. If you ever need our help, we can offer you our clubs in Los Angeles and Rio de Janeiro. The best prices, the most discounts, the best service.
together with,
Evertime CN
We want you to offer to show in our clubs. Right know, we do have 7/49. Please join in us and we will fill all your requirments as much as we can.
Los Angeles
New York
Rio de Janeiro
Write to me!