This is the guestbook of flexia.
Thank you for performing with us. We hope you'll join us again the next time you're in London!
V. Salley CEO TLL [Heavy Metal] Masters
Thank you for performing with us again! Good luck in your touring.
V. Salley CEO TLL [Heavy Metal] Masters London
Great show at the G Spot...I hope you'll come here again soon ;)
P.s. The fans were saying they'd like a bit more focus on the music-more than 1 or 2 events per song gets a bit boring for them :D
PPS...You might do better booking in to rock clubs-you'll get more fans along then!
Welcome back to London! We're always happy to host you
here at TLL.
V. Salley CEO TLL [Heavy Metal] Masters London
Thx for play your song's at the TARTAROS -HM- [SIN]
and come back again, you are welcome.
Thank you for playing to Fairy Paradise ♥Rock♥
I hope to see again,if you have any special request
considering ticket price or schedule,contact:
Inga Alger
Owner of Fairy Paradise ♥Rock♥