This is the guestbook of Iago.
erste! Congratulations on the first decent gig!!
Grafisch sehr wertvolle Präsentation.
Sie kennen sich mit Powerpoint aus, was? :P
Gut schauts aus! Alles Gute für die "25 gigs in 28 days" Tour. Wird schon schiefgehen. :)
yay, back on the road!! Don't forget to say hello, when you're in town. ;)
Thank you for showing at L-Ektro |
We will always be glad to welcome you at L-Ektro | clubs around the world.
Fredrik Bjarnsson, Shareholder of L-Ektro | Holding
Thanks for a great show at Euphoria™ - Hel [ELEC]! Come back soon!
Tuomo Sergejeff, CEO of Euphoria™ - Hel [ELEC]