This is the guestbook of Loot.
Thank you for playing a show at the Moose in Montreal [HM].
Was a great pleasure to have you on our stage. We'd be happy to have you back soon.
Feel free to drop me a line or book a show yourself. You are always welcome.
Steve Cook
Thanks for the spectacular concert that you have offered us, we hope that in your next tour you act again for your public of Rome.
You will always be well received in our club.
sofia sanchez camara, Ceo of Temple of Banjulhu HM-RO
thaks for your gig at the temple!!!good look and good gigs!!!SEE YOU AND METAL UP YOUR ASS!!
best regarts!!!
see you in Roma!!
sofia sanchez camara, Ceo of Temple of Banjulhu HM-RO
thaks for your gig at the temple!!!good look and good gigs!!!SEE YOU AND METAL UP YOUR ASS!!
best regarts!!!
see you in Roma!!
sofia sanchez-camara, Ceo of Temple of Banjulhu HM-RO
Thank you very much for choosing our club.
We hope that the concert is a success.
If you return to the city of Los Angeles, be sure to book your concert in Lead Balloon Machine-(HM)
Ceo Leon A.