This is the guestbook of Estrella Latina.
Gracias por tocar en Caché R&A [LAT] MAD.
Esperamos que vuelvas a visitarnos.
R&A Inc.★
Thank you very much for the lovely show! We hope to see you again at Latin Body Language Belgrade soon.
It was a pleasure watching you at Latin Body Language Belgrade. We hope to see you soon!
ıf you interest Latin Contest date:2009-04-01 between 16:00--->2009-04-07 22:00
Latin World Contest
I sent you an invitation to our festival.
I hope it's date is suitable for you.
LaTiuM's World Wide Fest-5
LaTiuM's BaR
Barcelona, Spain.
2009-04-21 16:00--->2009-04-28 16:00