Hot Daniel is Dead!
This is the guestbook of Hot Daniel is Dead!.
Hello, we are here for you with our 49/49 classic music club chain and we give %65 of profit to you. Moreover, we give recording contract with %90 for bands which give concerts in our clubs. Pm me and we will talk about details..
Good luck on your music career and have a nice day.. Mehmet Ali Özbeyler
É com orgulho que eu (Abílio) e o Evans anunciamos uma nova TOUR, TOUR será no POPANO 72.
Por favor visitem no FORUM GERAL PORTUGUÊS o Tópico 2166070.1 onde encontrarão todos os detalhes desta TOUR e onde se poderão inscrever para participar.
Vamos todos juntos fazer desta TOUR a MAIOR TOUR de todos os tempos do POPMUNDO!!! INSCREVAM-SE!!!
Aguardamos a vossa inscrição.
Cuidem bem do Alec, ok? Não quero ele voltando bêbado depois das duas pra casa. u_u
Cadê o open bar? 
I organized a festival that groups who arranged a concert at Dream Arena stadiums could attend. There is a gift draw and global competition rankings will be rewarded. We expect you to join too.
For join and more information: 2359394.1