This is the guestbook of Sugared Rhythm.
Congratulations for your first decent show! ^^
New contests in Joburg and Antalya!!! VII
2012-02-22 14:00--->2012-02-29 14:00 XVII
2012-03-08 14:00--->2012-03-15 14:00
Just tell me riders and ticket price or what ever you want!
Greetings from Ferdi
Info: Feel Free to use our studio for free!
SAYSEE DUB Records |SEA|Soon, we will be
# 1 Reggae Record Studio in North America!ps.
If you need new Contract, we offer 77% profit for band!
*scribbles the most random and disturbing picture of an angry cow on the guestbook page*
Love you my gypsy friend. Come back to London once you get tired of all this insane success and enjoy a bit of boredom with me! - Winnie
Hi, Quinn! I'm the one hosting your tour.
Don't ask me why, but a couple bands like to stick to the same ticket price all the time, even when they could be selling at higher one. I wasn't sure if $5 was an arrangement you had made with Ava, so I just sticked to it. Sorry for not asking you about it before - I'll make sure to set your ticket prices according to your fame from here on!
ps. Writing you here as your messages are blocked
Oh thank you so much Chloe, and sorry for not checking my settings. You should be able to write me now :P
Born a Star Competition I
Llegó la primer competición de electrónica a nivel mundial en Born a Star.
¿Tienes lo que hay que tener para demostrar que eres el mejor DJ?
He reached the first competition in global electronics Born a Star.
Do you have what you need to have to prove you're the best DJ?
Prove it!