seитeиce wiтhouт spaces
This is the guestbook of seитeиce wiтhouт spaces.
I couldn't write any earlier as I have many bands to inform.
I am sorry that I cannot host your band any longer but due to RL my player has decided to slow down things.
Thanks for being guest at my clubs.
I wish you and your band all the best.
Take care
Find the Highway to Rock!
Your band has few invitations, so you girls can join in this awesome competition just right after accept them :)
Winning Criteria: Highest Scoring Showmanship
Prize Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Entry Cost: € 30.000,00
Size: Max 50 contestants.
Venue: Any venue owned by Hara & Wood Inc. (Rock).
Time: 05/10/2015, 00:00 to 11/10/2015, 23:00 (London time)
We would like to invite your band to participate in...
Highway to Rock on Popopalooza
Winning Criteria: Highest Scoring Music
Arranged By: Evan Rachel Wood
Prize Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Entry Cost: $35,000.00
Size: Max 50 contestants.
Venue: Any venue owned by Hara & Wood Inc. (Rock).
Time: 11/30/2015, 12:00 AM to 12/7/2015, 11:00 PM (London time)
We would like to invite your band to participate in... this competition!