This is the guestbook of Le fate verdi.
We would like invite your band to participate in Metal Female Voices II - competition (eliminatory).
It will elapse:
Dates:12 until 16 April 2009
Hours:12 or 14 or 16.
Places: Toronto or Madrid.
Entrance: 500€
Rider: 2.500€.
Details in FORUM TOPIC ID: 1022941.1
Anything you need contact by PRIVATE MESSAGE to MFV Staff Abilio Carvoeiro or Marta Negro or in the Forum Topic
We wait your replay soon as possible.
I would be very glad if you could join my new competition, Heart of Metal III. It's between 24/5-31/5 . If you're interested, please PM me with the preferred date and time. Hope to see you!
Best regards
Peter/Zimo's™ Metal Club (BER)
There are 2 new competitions at our club in Los Angeles. One is between 07.05.2009 12:00 and 14.05.2009 12:00. The other is between 22.05.2009 12:00 and 25.05.2009 12:00.
We'll be glad if you participate in the competition. Hope you do not mind if I send invitation.
Have a nice game and GSG shows :)
Max Bertram; Ceo of JACE | LA
Non mi ricordo se avevo già passato ai partecipanti la locandina del nostro tour...
In caso negativo, è questa:

Se vi piace mettetela pure ^^
Thanks to having played in Metal Power Seattle.
Don't forget to contact me next time you want to play in seattle
Competition: [competitionid=55859 name=HEAVY METAL MEETING [WAR]]
Competition Type: Local Showdown
Prize Distribution: Top 3 split 50%,30%,20%
Place: [localeid=976045 name=MELODIC METAL [HM-WAR]]
City Warsaw.
Time: 2009-10-10 12:00--->2009-10-17 12:00
Cost: 500 $
Current Pot:
Information: Thanks all for share lovers of good events ;d
Arranged by:Paco del Campo Gortazar
Metal Female Voices IV - Invitation
Hi all, i would like invite your band to participate on Metal Female Voices IV - Competition Tour.
You can see all details on the Forum ID: 1404636.1
The MFV Staff it will be always at your disposal.
We hope you come on this competition Tour.