This is the guestbook of Stradivaria.
Competicion en Barcelona del 11/10 al 16/10
El Timpano Sordo
¿Quieres romper los tímpanos a los ciudadanos de Barcelona?
No te lo pienses
Competition in Barcelona from 11/10 to 16/10
El Timpano Sordo
Want to break the eardrum to the citizens of Barcelona?
Go for it
As-el ~Classical~(BRU) World Cup I on 2008-11-17 12:00 to 2008-11-20 22:00
Welcome to the first As-el ~Classical~[BRU] World Cup in Bruksel
just to inform you that there is a new club in berlin. If you'd like to have an invite please send me a pm.
my regards
Rome and La Bohème are waiting your band for a nice show someday!
La Bohème is a new Classical Club in Rome with best service for you!
♫♪♪ ♫♫♫ ♪♫♪ ♫♪ Stay with Classical Music! ♪♪♫ ♪♪♫ ♪♫♪ ♪♪♫
Best wishes and good luck!
Your CEO
Elia Penzo
Hello. :) I‘m Bonifácio and I‘m organizer of Classical genre bands tour „Classical Sounds“. I would like to invite you to this tour. Information is here: 1281430.1 Thank you! :)
Hello everyone, we are here for you with our 49/49 classic music club chain and we give %65 of profit to you. Moreover, we give recording contract with %90 for bands which give concerts in our clubs. Pm me and we will talk about details..
Good luck on your music career and have a nice day.. Derin Kutluğ
Hi! Do not forget to send your new tour plan to Avery! :)
I dream of going to a concert of this musical group