This is the guestbook of ~BARAKA~.
●Avadal Modern Rock (İst) barımızda konser verdiğiniz için teşekkkür ederiz.Bundan sonraki konserlerinde başarılar dileriz.Sizi en kısa zamanda tekrar barımızda görmekten mutluluk duyarız.
İyi şanslar!
Fikri Muradiye
Thanks for performing at [MR] Is not Enough (Ber).
we will be glad to watch your performance at our place again, soon.
Best Wishes,
Placido Casini
Congratulations you guys won RockJam competition.
Make sure you invest your money good and good luck in the future.
If you guys want to play at The Den, just contact me.
Mike Consten
CEO - The Den BRU