
Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
One month and half ago 177180 3/19/2023 50
Ritmo di Samba 176505 2/19/2023 50
Moo ikitakunai 175834 1/22/2023 50
Wings of Freedom 175161 12/25/2022 50
Promea 174490 11/27/2022 50
London Bridge 173823 10/30/2022 50
Auto Able 173145 10/2/2022 50
Bus Driver 172473 9/4/2022 50
Purple Lightnings 171815 8/7/2022 50
I Pack my case by Myself 171129 7/10/2022 50
Rottam'Car 170457 6/12/2022 50
My own Quarantine 169786 5/15/2022 50
High Rise Fuel 169112 4/17/2022 50
All Still, Bad Still 168442 3/20/2022 50
Bus travel Long 167769 2/20/2022 50
Tampon Tambien 167098 1/23/2022 50
Travel by My Own 166427 12/26/2021 50
Open City 165753 11/28/2021 50
Another Year, Same Stillness 165070 10/30/2021 50
Old Times 164423 10/3/2021 50
Wrong Turning 163737 9/5/2021 50
No VaXancies 163066 8/8/2021 50
Free inside Town 162393 7/11/2021 40
Beyond and Further 161730 6/13/2021 50
Tour Chance 161050 5/16/2021 50
No exit from the Crypt 160385 4/18/2021 50
Corso Trieste 159718 3/21/2021 50
Where you would like to go? 159033 2/21/2021 50
Sad Eve 158368 1/24/2021 50
Circle Line 157690 12/27/2020 50
Wasted Half Hour 157018 11/29/2020 50
Friggione on my Mind 156346 11/1/2020 50
Red Zone coming 155674 10/4/2020 50
Facing the Fan 155010 9/6/2020 50
Departed 154329 8/9/2020 50
First Class 153657 7/12/2020 50
Dunno if I will go 152986 6/14/2020 50
Bound to Failure 152315 5/17/2020 50
No show in Asti 151645 4/19/2020 50
On Bus 150969 3/22/2020 50
Jumpin' Weekend 150304 2/23/2020 40
Rigged 149634 1/26/2020 50
Northbound 148954 12/29/2019 40
NSWE 148283 12/1/2019 50
Flat Horizon 147611 11/3/2019 50
The Lake of Black Swans 146941 10/6/2019 50
Dunes behind the Beach 146272 9/8/2019 50
To the Lake 145603 8/11/2019 50
Urge to go far away 144936 7/15/2019 50
Home Deadly Home 144261 6/16/2019 50
Great Meadows of the Sky 143578 5/19/2019 40
Into the Light, Back to Darkness 142921 4/22/2019 50
Green, White and Red 142235 3/24/2019 50
The Big Peach 141563 2/24/2019 50
Trip into Mercy 140902 1/27/2019 50
Slipping in Sloppy 140228 12/30/2018 50
Stop&Go 139553 12/2/2018 50
City of Poo 138878 11/4/2018 50
Goodbye Sea 138206 10/7/2018 50
Kleez 137536 9/9/2018 50
Sonic Park 136857 8/12/2018 50
Wall of DC 136186 7/15/2018 50
Into Darkness 135514 6/17/2018 50
Train to Asti 134853 5/20/2018 50
Land of Nowhere 134177 4/22/2018 40
The Anchor in the Sea 133505 3/25/2018 50
Isles 132833 2/25/2018 50
Bel Paese 132166 1/28/2018 50
Juneau 131479 12/31/2017 50
Too tramp to travel 130812 12/3/2017 50
The house hanging on the sea 130146 11/5/2017 50
Firelight 129465 10/8/2017 40
C'est Venice 128802 9/10/2017 50
Brackenridge 128121 8/13/2017 50
Neuschwanstein 127450 7/16/2017 50
Cyclone 126777 6/18/2017 50
Tiger's Nest 126105 5/21/2017 50
Infinity Pool 125433 4/23/2017 50
The Shahara Bridge 124762 3/26/2017 50
Milford Sound 124090 2/26/2017 50
Qatar 123426 1/29/2017 50
Swiss Holed Air 122746 1/1/2017 50
Thor 122069 12/4/2016 40
The tall fir 121403 11/6/2016 50
Car Rental 120737 10/9/2016 40
Sherman Statue 120066 9/11/2016 50
Fly East 119387 8/14/2016 50
The Little Mermaid 118712 7/17/2016 40
The Clock Tower 118038 6/19/2016 40
Xi'An 117370 5/22/2016 50
Skiathos 116698 4/24/2016 50
Mr. Schwarz I miss you 116026 3/27/2016 40
LIC 115353 2/28/2016 40
Dyker's 114692 1/31/2016 40
Diner on my mind 114013 1/3/2016 40
Coney Boardwalk 113341 12/6/2015 40
Tramway to Island 112674 11/8/2015 40
Two for two 111990 10/11/2015 40
Cobble Hill 111324 9/13/2015 40
Tour operator 110659 8/16/2015 40
The sunset song 109820 7/12/2015 40
Spinning around 109148 6/14/2015 40
Double finding 108466 5/17/2015 40
NYOMM 107803 4/19/2015 40
Little snug 107129 3/22/2015 40
Door bell 106452 2/22/2015 40
Still one week 105787 1/25/2015 40
Prague 105115 12/28/2014 40
Late saturday 104435 11/30/2014 40
Last minute 103768 11/2/2014 40
Cojones 103089 10/5/2014 40
Second star to the right 102418 9/7/2014 40
Chained to notes 101752 8/10/2014 40
Papua 101082 7/13/2014 40
Spinning head 100403 6/15/2014 40
Little song 99730 5/18/2014 40
Too late for this one 99058 4/20/2014 40
Last hope 98386 3/23/2014 40
Time 97717 2/23/2014 50
Slo-Mo 97042 1/26/2014 40
Working Sunday 96370 12/29/2013 40
In the name of 95698 12/1/2013 40
Wake up, wake up! 95033 11/3/2013 40
Shortage 94355 10/6/2013 40
Wishing I was there 93682 9/8/2013 40
Squall 93016 8/11/2013 40
Blue & Yellow 92340 7/14/2013 40
Calendula 91675 6/16/2013 40
Peach and Apricot 91003 5/19/2013 40
White Mind 90330 4/21/2013 40
Desperation 89658 3/24/2013 40
On World Trip 88991 2/24/2013 40
Calicut Sewerage 88314 1/27/2013 40
Arabian Nights 87642 12/30/2012 40
Under the Sun 86966 12/2/2012 40
Om Mani Padme Hum 86295 11/4/2012 40
Balkan Balada 85454 9/30/2012 40
Vanir 84781 9/2/2012 40
DreamTime 83940 7/29/2012 40
Blue Lagoon 83316 7/3/2012 40
New New Bard Song 82605 6/3/2012 40
Asgard Feast 81946 5/7/2012 40
Lenape in New Amsterdam 81252 4/8/2012 40
Maya Experience 80422 3/4/2012 40
Boring Stuff 79741 2/5/2012 40
Ballad VII: Arkor's decline 79068 1/8/2012 40
Ballad V: Arkor's a good king 78396 12/11/2011 40
Ballad III: Arkor's first kill 77728 11/13/2011 40
Ballad I: The Born of Arkor 77052 10/16/2011 30
Sâu hơn 76379 9/18/2011 30
Hurry, hurry! 75707 8/21/2011 30
Batiba 74870 7/17/2011 30
I haven't seen you for a while 74201 6/19/2011 20
The presence of absence 73525 5/22/2011 30
Bitter Better 72903 4/26/2011 30
Incognito 72180 3/27/2011 30
Hope and Despair 71510 2/27/2011 30
The Long trip to Cerebral Death 70837 1/30/2011 30
If cows could fly 70206 1/4/2011 30
Lohrrein 69496 12/5/2010 30
Nêstaévâhóse-vóomâtse navese'e 68872 11/9/2010 30
Black Leather 68148 10/10/2010 20
Now or never 67518 9/14/2010 30
Mandola 66802 8/15/2010 20
Vesuvio 66130 7/18/2010 20
Just a Joust 65486 6/21/2010 20
Makhpia Sha 64788 5/23/2010 30
The Great Belly 64115 4/25/2010 20
Lambda Limbo 63418 3/27/2010 20
Fuji-no Oppai 62751 2/27/2010 20
Me like bananas, hoho 43764 12/29/2007 30
hmm... mangoes 42217 10/26/2007 30
I feel chaotic 42181 10/24/2007 30
bored now... 39401 6/30/2007 30
Oh no! is this another song?? 39325 6/27/2007 30
Get this party ended 37839 4/26/2007 30
You Were the Only One 36394 2/25/2007 20