
Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Work in Progress Status
M214 New
Music Video Release Review
2213 194158 2/23/2025 40
M210 193486 1/26/2025 40
2198 192838 12/30/2024 50
M99 192112 11/30/2024 40
M72 191494 11/4/2024 50
2196 190788 10/6/2024 40
2183 190165 9/10/2024 50
2190 189476 8/12/2024 40
2181 188780 7/14/2024 40
M192 188156 6/18/2024 50
2178 187484 5/21/2024 50
M181 186809 4/23/2024 50
1180 186131 3/26/2024 40
2164 185445 2/26/2024 40
M182 184767 1/29/2024 50
2159 184102 1/1/2024 40
M155 183446 12/5/2023 50
M168 182732 11/5/2023 50
M58 182085 10/9/2023 50
M163 181432 9/12/2023 40
M146 180762 8/15/2023 50
M119 180043 7/16/2023 50
3054 179405 6/20/2023 50
3130 178744 5/23/2023 50
3110 178062 4/25/2023 40
3120 177393 3/28/2023 50
M139 176730 2/28/2023 40
3089 176055 1/31/2023 40
M134 175389 1/3/2023 50
M131 174718 12/6/2022 40
3102 174041 11/8/2022 50
3100 173374 10/11/2022 50
M120 172695 9/13/2022 50
M118 171357 7/19/2022 50
3062 170685 6/21/2022 50
M52 170011 5/24/2022 40
3034 169339 4/26/2022 50
3025 168656 3/29/2022 40
M48 167995 3/1/2022 50
3063 167322 2/1/2022 50
3044 166643 1/4/2022 50
3019 165981 12/7/2021 50
3013 165300 11/9/2021 50
M87 164630 10/12/2021 40
3008 163960 9/14/2021 50
202 163292 8/17/2021 50
M43 162619 7/20/2021 50
198 161946 6/22/2021 40
196 161270 5/25/2021 50
195 160603 4/27/2021 40
190 159929 3/30/2021 40
3030 159254 3/2/2021 40
M59 158586 2/2/2021 50
M63 157914 1/5/2021 40
M62 157238 12/8/2020 40
3020 156567 11/10/2020 50
M60 155895 10/13/2020 50
3016 155229 9/15/2020 40
M50 154554 8/18/2020 50
M49 153883 7/21/2020 50
3002 153210 6/23/2020 50
M45 152541 5/26/2020 40
117 151866 4/28/2020 50
1209 151197 3/31/2020 50
2060 150523 3/3/2020 50
2058 149852 2/4/2020 40
2054 149174 1/7/2020 50
174 148509 12/10/2019 40
M41 147835 11/12/2019 40
171 147165 10/15/2019 50
2037 146487 9/17/2019 50
M39 145817 8/20/2019 50
1203 145147 7/23/2019 40
2131 144475 6/25/2019 50
M35 143798 5/28/2019 50
2029 143127 4/30/2019 40
M27 142453 4/2/2019 40
Cherry 141782 3/5/2019 40
1199 141108 2/5/2019 50
1202 140447 1/8/2019 40
1187 139784 12/12/2018 50
1179 139091 11/13/2018 50
Puhelinmyyjä 138421 10/16/2018 50
Pleasures 137750 9/18/2018 50
Disappearance 137070 8/21/2018 50
Make It Better 136405 7/24/2018 40
1177 135737 6/26/2018 40
Never Dream of Dying 134897 5/22/2018 50
Heaven is Open 134225 4/24/2018 40
Stalkkerit 133552 3/27/2018 40
Still Remember 132878 2/27/2018 50
Enterprise 132206 1/30/2018 50
Complicated 131532 1/2/2018 50
Revolution 130861 12/5/2017 40
Get Closer 130195 11/7/2017 50
Singapore 129515 10/10/2017 50
Tokio 128845 9/12/2017 50
Breakout 128175 8/15/2017 50
Unlucky 127499 7/18/2017 50
Important Notes 126831 6/20/2017 50
Me. 126155 5/23/2017 40
Ainutlaatuinen 125482 4/25/2017 50
Teemu 124811 3/28/2017 50
Eternal Memories 124116 2/27/2017 50
Hubba Bubba 123445 1/30/2017 40
Two Ways 122771 1/2/2017 50
Legacy 122102 12/5/2016 40
Nothing to Offer 121427 11/7/2016 40
Spaceman 120739 10/9/2016 50
Missing You 120061 9/11/2016 50
Hotel Nights 119395 8/14/2016 40
Another Drink 118602 7/12/2016 50
More than Yesterday 117897 6/13/2016 40
Hello Word 116650 4/22/2016 40
Not so Bad 115618 3/10/2016 50
Barbie Girl 114135 1/8/2016 50
Rage 112858 11/16/2015 40
24 h 112187 10/19/2015 40
BBB 111514 9/21/2015 40
My Love 110770 8/21/2015 40
Step by Step 109962 7/18/2015 50
Wild Nights With You. 108762 5/29/2015 40
Sabotage 108105 5/2/2015 40
My Hero 107386 4/2/2015 40