Super Crooo

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
50S 170793 6/26/2022 40
Hawk 169939 5/21/2022 40
AlbariƱo 168924 4/9/2022 40
Paella 153671 7/12/2020 40
Phat 151803 4/26/2020 30
Horse 151483 4/12/2020 40
MGM 107995 4/27/2015 40
DOI 104597 12/7/2014 40
Snow 103590 10/26/2014 30
Vehicle 96256 12/24/2013 30
nowai 86464 11/11/2012 30
Powerless 85442 9/30/2012 30
Skit 77827 11/17/2011 20
Big Bang! 74207 6/19/2011 10
LoliPop 66190 7/20/2010 0
Moderato 61409 1/2/2010 0