
Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
离开The14第七篇-灾难,婚礼主持人在哪 55531 5/2/2009 20
离开THE 14第六篇:终点-浪子&琦琦 步入婚礼的殿堂 55048 4/12/2009 20
离开The14第五篇:神秘的南美 54963 4/9/2009 10
离开THE 14后第四篇:欧洲我来了!!! 54543 3/22/2009 20
离开THE 14后第三篇:诡异的路线 54306 3/12/2009 10
庆祝乐队成立!离开the 14后第一篇 54038 3/1/2009 20
环球旅行开始!离开the 14后第二篇 53774 2/18/2009 10