Tнe Foх & Tнe Sнeeps


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Faя Awaч 12170311/18/2016 50
Espaço Tempo 10314810/7/2014 40
Soliste 1001176/3/2014 40
Full number 1 907095/7/2013 40
Será o fim? 833187/3/2012 40
Mars Dirty Flight II 802992/28/2012 40
Mars Dirty Flight 7760311/8/2011 40
Yeah 6938612/1/2010 30
Singles Release Review
Bloиde 1273337/11/2017 40
Leт's go 12112010/25/2016 40
Vamps I 1063132/16/2015 40
Unicórneos Voadores '-' 10347610/21/2014 40
Adeus 1026379/16/2014 40
Headlights 1021348/26/2014 40
Sai zica! 1012937/22/2014 40
tsc tsc tsc 1004786/18/2014 40
Apenas um sigle com nome grand 996135/13/2014 40
Saudades 989414/15/2014 40
Lua Cheia 981003/11/2014 40
Um, dois, três e já! 974272/11/2014 40
Solo 967551/14/2014 40
Especial 918856/25/2013 40
lalala 910455/21/2013 40
Ja subiu pra cuca 903724/23/2013 40
Coloque o nome aqui 897003/26/2013 40
Agora ta valendo! 890292/26/2013 40
Music 883551/29/2013 40
The valediction 838227/24/2012 40
Kiss me 831496/26/2012 40
Flight 823105/22/2012 40
eee 816384/24/2012 40
My Girl 809653/27/2012 40
Endless Love 801402/22/2012 40
Break My Heart (Whenever You Want) 794651/25/2012 40
Bitch daydreamer 7879312/28/2011 40
6 Couples with 9 7811911/29/2011 40
My Desire 7744711/1/2011 40
I love Yu 7677810/5/2011 40
OMG! 761049/7/2011 40
Pump It Up 754218/9/2011 40
Soliste 2 744136/28/2011 40
Soliste 734085/17/2011 40
Burn in hell 703921/12/2011 30
Corrupted System 678629/28/2010 30
You're dead 670108/24/2010 30
For My Husband and My Girl. 661897/20/2010 30