Cosmic DNA


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Defne 1548608/31/2020 40
Tempero 13057711/23/2017 40
Buchada de bode 1278918/3/2017 50
Acarajé 1236382/7/2017 50
Mel de Tiúba 12096210/19/2016 40
Singles Release Review
Selma 1541227/31/2020 40
.... 1529666/13/2020 40
Anatolya<3 1342214/24/2018 40
Anatolya-1 1333803/20/2018 40
Música Latina 1323802/6/2018 40
Panetone 1317071/9/2018 40
Malagueta 13103612/12/2017 40
Pimenta dedo de moça 13035811/14/2017 40
Sururu de capote 12969210/17/2017 40
Feijão de corda 1280128/8/2017 40
Pamonha 1273407/11/2017 40
Milho 1266626/13/2017 40
Limonada 1259965/16/2017 40
Doce de leite 1253244/18/2017 40
Tamarindo 1246523/21/2017 40
Umbuzada 1239812/21/2017 40
Doce de buriti 1233081/24/2017 40
Tapioca 12263712/27/2016 40
Queijo coalho 12196211/29/2016 40
Manteiga de garrafa 12129711/2/2016 40
Carne de sol 12062110/4/2016 40
Rapadura 1199519/6/2016 40
Farofa 1192778/9/2016 40
Mel de engenho 1186077/12/2016 40