

Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Vudu 1943733/4/2025 50
Pirmas 1241432/28/2017 50
Pogrindžio dvasia 7776711/15/2011 40
Mountain Of Forget-Me-Not 539192/24/2009 40
Singles Release Review
Buteliukas gėraliuko 1935311/28/2025 40
Trikdžiai 19151711/5/2024 40
Šaltas lietus 1898368/27/2024 40
Vyšnaitė ant torto 1868114/23/2024 40
Pirmasis 1847931/30/2024 40
Sudie! 1234691/31/2017 40
Trys 12195911/29/2016 40
Gumiai 1201129/13/2016 40
Eksperimentas Nr. 26 811304/3/2012 40
Pons bėbras 791111/10/2012 40
Itališkas drakonas 7827112/6/2011 40
Oi... man skauda 7726310/25/2011 40
Snaigių tortas 6064512/1/2009 40
Kaktusiukas 5963310/20/2009 30
Day & Night 589619/22/2009 30
Goodbye... 581268/18/2009 30
Euforija 564466/9/2009 30
Paskutinis rytas 557745/12/2009 30
Gyvybės tiltas 551024/14/2009 30
Tryliktas atlyginimas 544223/17/2009 40
Neužmirštuolė 537492/17/2009 30
Viltei & Matui 530611/19/2009 30
Paskutinė Margirio minutė 5223412/16/2008 30