Natassia Hudson

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 (6) A sight for soar Eyes 500 Easy Listening
2 (6) Big Praise 500 Vocalists
3 (6) Don't gimme no lip! 500 Euro Pop
4 (6) Lady sings the blues 500 Soft Rock
5 (6) Let them bitches talk... 500 Soft Rock
6 (6) Little amateurs 500 Experimental Pop
7 (6) My Heart .... 500 Easy Listening
8 (6) Now you can pull a little bit ... 500 Dance Pop
9 (6) On the six 500 Euro Pop
10 (6) Put my music back on! 500 Vocalists
11 (6) Re-plugged: pass the mike! 500 Experimental Pop
12 (6) Soaring up the charts 500 Dance Pop
13 (6) Super Pop 500 Disco
14 (6) This ain't no sad sing-along song! 500 Teen Pop
15 (6) To all my fans 500 Britpop
16 4/Dancing scream 500 Dance Pop
17 4/Dangerutis 500 Vocalists
18 4/Easy does it 500 Easy Listening
19 4/It's all like that 500 Soft Rock
20 4/Now that's pop! 500 J-Pop
21 4/Step onto the scene 500 Euro Pop
22 4/Turning the page 500 Vocalists
23 4/Up for love 500 Teen Pop
24 4/Voulez-vous jouer ce disque? 500 Disco
25 4/Work it! 500 Britpop
26 Ain’t your bitch 585 K-Pop
27 Ain't gonna go (without a fight) 500 Britpop
28 Amazing Amy 500 Britpop
29 Amsterdam 500 Teen Pop
30 Avalon 500 Indie Pop
31 Barechested Boy (Song for Niels W.) 500 Soft Rock
32 Beat your big fat meat, buddy 580 Britpop
33 Bitch! - 7 500 Vocalists
34 Cameltoe! Cameltoe! 500 Soft Rock
35 Chlamydia! 500 Britpop
36 Cunny full of Hunney 500 Disco
37 Daddycated 500 Teen Pop
38 Do you like my bouncy breasts? 500 Teen Pop
39 Don’t gimme no lip! 570 New Wave Pop
40 Don’t hang your shit on me 580 J-Pop
41 Don't fake the funk 500 Disco
42 For the Love of It 500 Easy Listening
43 Get behind the plexi! 500 Britpop
44 GH/A sight for soar Eyes 590 J-Pop
45 GH/Avalon 510 Experimental Pop
46 GH/Don’t gimme no lip 500 New Wave Pop
47 GH/Grand Finale 500 Ethno Pop
48 GH/I don’t want what I haven’t got 500 Soft Rock
49 GH/Let mummy make it better 530 Euro Pop
50 GH/Love me now, leave me never 500 Easy Listening
51 GH/Now you can pull a little bit... 500 K-Pop
52 GH/Re-plugged: pass the mike! 545 Indie Pop
53 GH/Shout 505 Disco
54 GH/This is me, the elusive chanteuse 500 Dance Pop
55 GH/What time is love? 540 Britpop
56 Ghetto Groove 580 Dance Pop
57 Girlz who gush 500 J-Pop
58 Go granny go! 580 Surf Pop
59 Gotta keep da heat! 580 Ethno Pop
60 Grand Finale 500 Euro Pop
61 Granny gets her gun 590 Synth Pop
62 Hey you! 500 Soft Rock
63 How can right, be so wrong? 500 Easy Listening
64 I dissed a Girl! 500 Teen Pop
65 I don't want what I haven't got 500 Disco
66 Italo Macho 500 Soft Rock
67 Let mummy make it better 500 Britpop
68 Lick my pussy and my crack 500 Dance Pop
69 Love me now, leave me never 500 Easy Listening
70 Love me now, pay me later 500 Easy Listening
71 Mama, I love you 500 Easy Listening
72 Miss Fit 500 Soft Rock
73 My cooch come in flava 575 Euro Pop
74 My Shit is in Flavour 500 Teen Pop
75 No Prudence, not through the galleria 500 Dance Pop
76 No sextapes, no cameras 500 Soft Rock
77 Ode to mama 500 Teen Pop
78 Pop Nation! 500 Dance Pop
79 Pump me, dump me! 500 Britpop
80 Put a strap on me (so I can fuck on you) 500 Britpop
81 Queen of pop 500 J-Pop
82 Shitty Titty Gang Bang 500 Disco
83 Should I sleep with your man (just because I can)? 500 Britpop
84 Shout! 500 Euro Pop
85 Sing & Shout 500 Britpop
86 Sing-a-long! 500 Euro Pop
87 Slap my ass (a mild spanking) 500 Soft Rock
88 Step to me 500 Dance Pop
89 The Big O! 500 Teen Pop
90 The Gammer Wild 500 Soft Rock
91 The Sex Effect 500 Euro Pop
92 This is Me, the Elusive Chanteuse -7 500 Teen Pop
93 Tits 'n' Ass 500 Dance Pop
94 U ain’t got nuttin’ on me 570 Experimental Pop
95 Victor 500 Easy Listening
96 Viva Glam! 500 Dance Pop
97 Vocalisée 500 Vocalists
98 What time is love? 500 Easy Listening
99 Whip me into shape! 500 Easy Listening
100 Who'll speak out for Love? 500 Soft Rock
101 World of Starcraft 500 Dance Pop
102 You Kurrel 590 Indie Pop
103 Your Face in the Crowd 500 Teen Pop

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 0 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.