Requiem for a bitch

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 #eggswedenpasqüeweek 500 Solo Instrumental
2 #teamianisover 500 Solo Instrumental
3 ...interpretado por un hombre MUY feo. 500 Solo Instrumental
4 ...stays in New Vegas 500 Solo Instrumental
5 ...y su asombrosa transexualidad. 500 Solo Instrumental
6 ¡Mulleeeeeeer, te desnudas con amooooor! 500 Solo Instrumental
7 ¡Que se corre el culo de la manzana! 500 Solo Instrumental
8 ¡Radiación extra! 500 Solo Instrumental
9 ¡Se me ponen ojos de Bender! I.O 500 Opera
10 ¿Qué le pasa a la verdura de Zoe? 500 Opera
11 A-18. 500 Solo Instrumental
12 Abobó 500 Solo Instrumental
13 Agafo una patata, I ME LA MENJO. 500 Avant Classical
14 Ah! I el teu cognom també, no fotem 500 Opera
15 All glory to Hypnorain 500 Solo Instrumental
16 Allons-y, Alonso 500 Opera
17 Alter Rain. 500 Solo Instrumental
18 Amordecolibrí. 500 Opera
19 And another. 500 Modern
20 Animals are here with us, not for us. 500 Solo Instrumental
21 Another DDoS' hit the server 500 Medieval
22 Are you my mummy? 500 Opera
23 Are you Wesker's son? 500 Opera
24 ARM 500 Baroque
25 A-sigüeñá. A-sigüeñá. 500 Solo Instrumental
26 Attention wh*re 500 Opera
27 Auditore da Firenze 500 Solo Instrumental
28 Awww, that's lovely. 500 Opera
29 Back to bitchness 500 Opera
30 Bad seed never dies 500 Opera
31 Bearer of The Darkness 500 Opera
32 Before the tables turn. 500 Opera
33 Bi bi bitch 500 Renaissance
34 Bitches gonna bitch 500 Impressionist
35 Blackman 500 Solo Instrumental
36 Blondie's Moonlight Sonata 500 Opera
37 Bloodyface 500 Opera
38 Boats'n'hoes 500 Solo Instrumental
39 BORED AS FUCK 500 Romantic
40 Bored to death 500 Solo Instrumental
41 Bottlecaps 500 Gagaku
42 Brown eyebrow girl 500 Opera
43 'Burn things' said the gnome 500 Solo Instrumental
44 Caffeine in vein 500 Solo Instrumental
45 Call of Cthulhu 500 Symphonic
46 Camael 500 Renaissance
47 Cançó de caramel número 1 500 Symphonic
48 Cataplines inflables 500 Opera
49 Cecitiel 500 Symphonic
50 Chachipandidelgorromazochunga. 500 Solo Instrumental
51 Clearidas 500 Solo Instrumental
52 Cocinar me pone de mal humor 500 Opera
53 Conspirancy 500 Renaissance
54 Conticinio. 500 Chamber Music
55 Cortana went mad 500 Solo Instrumental
56 Cuidado con los sanguinarios. 500 Chamber Music
57 Cuquiquetecagas. 500 Opera
58 Dawn of The Final Day 500 Solo Instrumental
59 Dawn of The First Day 500 Opera
60 Dawn of The Second Day 500 Solo Instrumental
61 DDOS ATTACKS FOREVER 500 Solo Instrumental
62 Deer Lord. 250 Solo Instrumental
63 Demoño's blood is good 500 Opera
64 Demon's trap 500 Sultaniyegah
65 Déu es un namekià 500 Solo Instrumental
66 Diamante en bruto 500 Opera
67 Dioses del Popmamoneo, uníos! 500 Solo Instrumental
68 Do You Feel Lucky? 500 Renaissance
69 Doc Yewll 500 Opera
70 Don't fall in love. 500 Solo Instrumental
71 Don't sit down 'cause I move the chair. 500 Avant Classical
72 Don't stop. 500 Chamber Music
73 Dr. Doom 500 Solo Instrumental
74 Dr. Flink 500 Solo Instrumental
75 Dr. ItStartsToDerail 500 Opera
76 Dr. Leonard McCoy 500 Chamber Music
77 Dr. Manhattan 500 Gagaku
78 Dr. Nick 500 Opera
79 Dr. Nick Riviera 500 Opera
80 Dr. Stark 500 Opera
81 Dr. TooBusyForThatShit 500 Opera
82 Dr. Zoidberg 500 Opera
83 Dra. Carolyn Lam 500 Opera
84 Dreamachines are bad. 500 Baroque
85 Drink me, I'm poisonous 500 Baroque
86 Eggggggggs-teeeeeeer-minnnn-ate! 500 Opera
87 El ciclo de la vida 500 Opera
88 El día de la marmota se adelantó 500 Solo Instrumental
89 El Diablo me puede comer el rabo 500 Renaissance
90 El drama de los apellidos. 500 Solo Instrumental
91 El Enclave es el enemigo 500 Solo Instrumental
92 El Enclave no olvida 500 Chamber Music
93 El Ferrocarril y sus baratijas 260 Baroque
94 El ron desgasta 500 Baroque
95 El teu nom es al meu quadern 500 Opera
96 En General Blue de la Cinta Vermella 500 Solo Instrumental
97 En Rem s'estima molt la Misa-misa. 500 Opera
98 En Senyor Popo del Regne de Déu 500 Opera
99 Especistas everywhere. 500 Solo Instrumental
100 Excella is a bitch, so you too 500 Opera
101 Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus 500 Symphonic
102 F U B A R 500 Baroque
103 Feel it heavy in my bones. 500 Baroque
104 Feel the hate 500 Modern
105 Fez incoming 500 Impressionist
106 Fezzes are cool 500 Opera
107 Fierce Deity 500 Solo Instrumental
108 Fire on the Mountain 500 Solo Instrumental
109 Firestarter 500 Symphonic
110 Frío infinito 500 Impressionist
111 Fuck this shit. 270 Avant Classical
112 Fuck you, Karma 500 Symphonic
113 Fuck yourself(ie). 500 Gagaku
114 Fuckin' humans 240 Modern
115 Gatchan Norimaki 1 500 Opera
116 Gatchan Norimaki 2 500 Opera
117 GGWP Devs 500 Baroque
118 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Solo Instrumental
119 Grog para los valientes 500 Opera
120 Hail seitan! 500 Solo Instrumental
121 HAKUNA MATATA 500 Opera
122 Haniel 500 Symphonic
123 Haven't you? 500 Opera
124 Hayley Aguirre for president of Madriz 500 Symphonic
125 Hayley Hawawawatchnaenae 500 Avant Classical
126 Hayley Val Bora 500 Sultaniyegah
127 Hayleymarket 500 Opera
128 Heads will roll 500 Solo Instrumental
129 Heckler & Koch 500 Renaissance
130 Hello, Mello. Are you Mihael Keehl? 500 Opera
131 HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK 500 Romantic
132 Horrocrux 500 Opera
133 House of the Rising Sun 500 Solo Instrumental
134 Huitloxopetl 500 Solo Instrumental
135 Humans are the most dangerous animal. 500 Solo Instrumental
136 Hypocrites 500 Renaissance
137 I didn't write a song about my ex today. 500 Baroque
138 I don't need to know the truth. 500 Opera
139 I hate you as much as I hate me 500 Opera
140 I knew wh*res more honest than you 500 Solo Instrumental
141 I know monkeys that program better. 500 Romantic
142 I see humans, but not humanity. 500 Solo Instrumental
143 I think it's almost 4am. 500 Baroque
144 I wear a fez, now. Fezzes are cool. 500 Solo Instrumental
145 I will follow you into the dark 500 Opera
146 I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya. 500 Arabesque
147 If you come over. 500 Opera
148 I'll sit and watch your car burn. 500 Romantic
149 I'm not an empty vessel, you moron 500 Opera
150 I'm the darkness of my light 500 Solo Instrumental
151 In absentia luci tenebrae vincunt 500 Symphonic
152 In Amber Clad 500 Modern
153 Invocar a Chucuchú. 500 Gagaku
154 Ironía como forma de vida. 500 Solo Instrumental
155 Is this the real wolf? 500 Chamber Music
156 It's dangerous to go alone 500 Renaissance
157 Jaehaeris Targaryen 500 Impressionist
158 Jaehaerys Targaryen 500 Opera
159 Jagermeister. 500 Solo Instrumental
160 Jenny is mine. 500 Opera
161 Kennedy 500 Solo Instrumental
162 Kill'em all. 500 Opera
163 Kira 500 Solo Instrumental
164 La cabeza de tigre de las arenas. 500 Arabesque
165 La cerveza hidrata 500 Opera
166 La hermandad y su dirigible 500 Solo Instrumental
167 La Legión del Cesar 500 Solo Instrumental
168 La mayonesa se me ha derretido 500 Opera
169 Lana 'Banana' Winters 500 Opera
170 Last call to the whale! 500 Opera
171 Lawliet 500 Opera
172 Leaving at 3. 500 Renaissance
173 Lincoln approves. 500 Avant Classical
174 Los huevillos pisados de Rain... 500 Gagaku
175 Los necrófagos se llevaron mi musculeína 500 Opera
176 Los pechos de Kobe. 500 Gagaku
177 Losing feeling's getting old. 500 Romantic
178 Love tear us apart 500 Sultaniyegah
179 Lucky 28 500 Renaissance
180 Mad mad without a box 500 Opera
181 'Maggots' 500 Solo Instrumental
182 Mayorquebarrabajamenorque 500 Solo Instrumental
183 'Meh' 500 Solo Instrumental
184 Menos coca y más pagar, Marc Llobet 500 Renaissance
186 Mine the whore with the drill. 500 Avant Classical
187 Minnesota 500 Arabesque
188 Moradores calvos. 500 Solo Instrumental
189 Mothership Zeta 500 Solo Instrumental
191 Mujer de mirada cautivadora 500 Opera
192 Muñecos voodoo. 260 Avant Classical
193 My alpha and my omega 500 Solo Instrumental
194 My heart can't take it anymore. 500 Opera
195 Nanana, nana, nana, nanana, nana, nana 500 Chamber Music
196 Neo... What? Neo-Umbrella? 500 Opera
197 Neverland 500 Opera
198 Nevermore 500 Opera
199 No bitches for money 500 Renaissance
200 No money 500 Symphonic
201 No more lullabies. No more heroes. 500 Opera
202 No redemption for the sinners 500 Symphonic
203 No sense. 500 Solo Instrumental
204 Noisy people that deserves to die 500 Solo Instrumental
205 Ode for a lifetime 500 Opera
206 Or not at all 500 Gagaku
207 Pay to win, bitch 500 Renaissance
208 Pelazo. 500 Renaissance
209 Piers, please, run faster 500 Opera
210 Pillar of autumn 500 Opera
211 Pisco, jet, mentats y otras drogas (Axe) 500 Opera
212 Pisco-jet para todos 500 Renaissance
213 Point Lookout 500 Opera
215 Pray for your soul, Ozwell E. Spencer 500 Solo Instrumental
216 Pues... Yo los mataba a todos. 500 Solo Instrumental
217 Que te llevo al río, que te llevo al río 500 Chamber Music
218 R I P 500 Solo Instrumental
219 Rain canta con vos de Malono :D 500 Gagaku
220 Rain is back. 500 Solo Instrumental
221 Rain y sus videoclips 500 Solo Instrumental
222 Rainbow power. 500 Gagaku
223 Rain's ass looks nice without jeans, x) 500 Chamber Music
224 Rain's theme 500 Opera
225 Ramon Salazar y Las Plagas 500 Opera
226 Rata callejera 500 Solo Instrumental
227 Rayitos anonadadores :D 500 Solo Instrumental
228 Ready or Not 500 Symphonic
229 Redfield 500 Opera
230 Remando. 500 Renaissance
231 Requiem at all costs 500 Renaissance
232 Requiem for a dream. 500 Opera
233 Roman Blue 500 Sultaniyegah
234 Ryuk 500 Opera
235 Sandalphon 500 Renaissance
236 Sansa performs a brutality win. 500 Renaissance
237 Satanas Cor Petit també es namekià 500 Solo Instrumental
238 Seven years 500 Solo Instrumental
239 Shabbith-Ka 500 Solo Instrumental
240 Shit happens 500 Solo Instrumental
241 Sierra Madre 500 Opera
242 Sister Mary Eunice 500 Opera
243 Skull Kid 500 Opera
244 Sleepless nights and cigarettes. 500 Arabesque
245 Smith 500 Solo Instrumental
246 Smoke weed everyday. 500 Solo Instrumental
247 So fucked up 290 Opera
248 So tired of this universe. 500 Solo Instrumental
249 Sóc propietari d'un quadern de mort 500 Opera
250 Solistas todas. 500 Solo Instrumental
251 Solo siento odio 500 Solo Instrumental
252 Someday it will devour your heart, too. 270 Gagaku
253 Sometimes salt water smells like a bitch 500 Chamber Music
254 Somos los más cthulhus. 500 Solo Instrumental
255 Son of a goat 265 Gagaku
256 Song incoming 500 Sultaniyegah
257 Song of the East 500 Renaissance
258 Songmaker 500 Impressionist
259 Soy ciego, no sordo 500 Symphonic
260 Spartan Kelly 500 Opera
261 Spartan Locke 500 Solo Instrumental
262 Spartans never die 500 Opera
263 Stardust 500 Chamber Music
264 Stormageddon, the Dark Lord of all 500 Opera
265 Stormborn. 270 Solo Instrumental
266 Summer of my life 500 Solo Instrumental
267 Summer será criminal antes del crimen 500 Avant Classical
268 Tabitha 500 Solo Instrumental
269 Te voy a dar hostia como pan de pita 500 Gagaku
270 Thane the ripper 500 Chamber Music
271 Thane will come back 500 Gagaku
272 The battle of the bastards 500 Opera
273 The Blondie's not touring, fuck you all 500 Opera
274 The darkness will come. 500 Gagaku
275 The graveyard 290 Romantic
276 The Heart of Midlothian 500 Modern
277 The Hound is back 500 Chamber Music
278 The incredible awesome flying platypus 500 Opera
279 The Lannisters always pays their debts 500 Opera
280 The Last Song 500 Solo Instrumental
281 The Lone Wanderer 500 Romantic
282 The number of the beast. 500 Opera
283 The Pitt 500 Solo Instrumental
284 The silence is so loud. 500 Opera
285 There is no Estacado without Romano 500 Opera
286 There's no Kira anymore 500 Opera
287 There's some things that never change. 500 Opera
288 They hate us because they ain't us. 270 Avant Classical
289 Those things happens. 500 Solo Instrumental
290 Tired of the angels 500 Baroque
291 Todo el poder del universo... 500 Opera
292 Toma, toma, toma. Blackmire in action. 500 Symphonic
293 Tomahawk 500 Solo Instrumental
294 Translate it! Hayley Perrilla :D 500 Solo Instrumental
295 Troy? Troy who? Troy McClure? 500 Opera
296 Ugh, you had one job. 500 Solo Instrumental
297 Ull de shinigami 500 Opera
298 Ultra-luxe 500 Symphonic
299 Un filete de 50 kilos... 500 Solo Instrumental
300 Un groupie CELESTIAL. 500 Opera
301 Unto the Breach 500 Chamber Music
302 Uriel 500 Impressionist
303 Uroboros 500 Opera
304 V.A.T.S. 500 Solo Instrumental
305 Valentine 500 Opera
306 Vault 34? Nope! I am a Boomer 500 Chamber Music
307 Vault overseer. 500 Gagaku
308 Vender pañuelos en un semáforo de Manila 500 Gagaku
309 Veneno como primera opción. 500 Opera
310 Veneno de Mutascorpius 500 Sultaniyegah
311 Viajando en patinete. 500 Solo Instrumental
312 Vote for democracy. Vote for Rain. 500 Solo Instrumental
313 Wack, te pasaste de tensión superficial 500 Solo Instrumental
314 Wake me, when you need me 500 Opera
315 Warmer. 500 Chamber Music
316 Washington 500 Impressionist
317 Waticorp is in every dream. 500 Solo Instrumental
318 We are on fire, call the firemen. 500 Solo Instrumental
319 Wesson 500 Avant Classical
320 What can I say? 500 Opera
321 WHAT DA FAAAAACK!? 500 Avant Classical
322 What happens in New Vegas... 500 Solo Instrumental
323 What you want from me? 500 Avant Classical
324 When your lips undress me. 500 Medieval
325 Where did you go? 500 Solo Instrumental
326 Whorewolf I'll wait ya here. 500 Solo Instrumental
327 Why the fuck you fuck me, Rain? 500 Solo Instrumental
328 With double standards like yours... 500 Gagaku
329 Wong 500 Opera
330 WTF JUST HAPPENED?! 500 Avant Classical
331 Xa'ligha 500 Renaissance
332 Y de beber... Albóndigas. 500 Opera
333 Y no tiene padre 500 Avant Classical
334 Ya era hora, muchachas 500 Solo Instrumental
335 Yay! "Harina"! Yay! 500 Chamber Music
336 Yo me llamo Rainph. 500 Gagaku
337 Yog-Sothoth 500 Solo Instrumental
338 You are all so boring 500 Solo Instrumental
339 You are from 'The Gomorrah' 500 Chamber Music
340 YOU ARE MINE, HALES. 500 Solo Instrumental
341 You are S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 500 Opera
342 You spent all day whoring around 500 Opera
343 You will be upgraded 500 Opera
344 Your mistakes are my sorrow. 500 Symphonic
345 You've met with a terrible fate. 500 Gagaku
346 Zadkiel 500 Baroque

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 288 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.