Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 ;;;;;;; 575 Gospel
2 A Storm of Love 150 Hip Hop Soul
3 Akyse Blizgėjo Ašaros 270 Alternative R&B
4 Antras Dublis 380 Gospel
5 Aplink mane stovi žmonės 170 Southern Soul
6 Aš Pasirinkau Tave 395 Gospel
7 Aš Sapnuoju Gyvenimą 245 Gospel
8 Ateities Sapnas 780 Hip Hop Soul
9 Atsargiai Pikta Teta! 240 Contemporary R&B
10 Ballad of the Night 590 Gospel
11 Baltas Kopų Smėlis 245 Gospel
12 Baltas Lapas 125 Doo Wop
13 Black Cat 390 Gospel
14 Būk Man Reikalingas 760 Gospel
15 Gyvenimo Labirintas 245 Hip Hop Soul
16 Happy Girl 465 Gospel
17 Hello Hello 395 Gospel
18 I Think You Right 240 Alternative R&B
19 Įkyri Musė 795 Gospel
20 Išlaisvinkime savo demonus! 790 Alternative R&B
21 Kai Pamatysi Krentančią Žvaigždę 250 Contemporary R&B
22 Kalėdos Jau Nebūna Baltos 250 Gospel
23 Kalėdų Varpelių Skambesys 800 Gospel
24 Kažkam Kas Myli 140 Hip Hop Soul
25 Kišenės Pilnos Aukso 800 Gospel
26 Kokia Musė Tau Įkando 790 Gospel
27 Leidžiu Išvesti iš Proto 240 Gospel
28 Man Nesvarbu Kad Tu Toli 250 Contemporary R&B
29 Mane Apvogė! 395 Gospel
30 Mano Naktiniai Košmarai 500 Hip Hop Soul
31 Matau Dangų 810 Gospel
32 Matau Kalnus 790 Gospel
33 Meilė 795 Gospel
34 Meilės Balsas 165 Hip Hop Soul
35 Mums Priklauso Dangus 190 Contemporary R&B
36 Mus Visur Lydi Muzika 285 Hip Hop Soul
37 Muzikos Orgijų Vakaras 790 Alternative R&B
38 Naujienos Sklinda Greitai 395 Gospel
39 Nemėgstu Lietaus 625 Gospel
40 Nieko Nesugalvojau 160 Contemporary R&B
41 Noriu Miego 155 Contemporary R&B
42 Nušvito Protas 150 Alternative R&B
43 Orange Cat 160 Hip Hop Soul
44 Pasaulinis Hitas 390 Gospel
45 Ponas ir Ponia 390 Hip Hop Soul
46 Prašau Netylėk 165 Hip Hop Soul
47 Rainy Day 460 Gospel
48 Six Weeks Away 395 Gospel
49 Tavo Veidas Minioje 90 Hip Hop Soul
50 Trečias Brolis Jonas 480 Alternative R&B
51 Vakaro Šou 565 Hip Hop Soul

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 34 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.